(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Johnson was forced to the palace because of the "party door" scandal. Some support for the Prime Minister's trust motion, as well as the Conservative Party of the Labor Party that he has recently been intimidated and tried to extort by the British government.

Johnson's series of scandals because of the "party door" scandal faced the call from the demands of him to the court, at least 20 conservative members have stated that they agreed to vote for the leadership of the Prime Minister.Nevertheless, Johnson refused to resign, and vowed to continue fighting and led the Conservative Party to participate in the next election.

When the "party door" storm has not yet subsided, some members also said that they have recently been intimidated by the Johnson government.Verag, chairman of the British Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, said in a statement: "In recent days, some members have received pressure and intimidation from government members.Trust votes in status. "

Walrag believes that these reports seem to constitute intimidation, and it is recommended that members of the House of Representatives report to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the police.

Johnson: If there is evidence, the investigation

Johnson responded, "These allegations. "This echoes his office's earlier statement.The statement said that if there is evidence, investigation will be conducted.

In addition to Walrag, because of the party door, he decided to invest in the Labor Party's member Wickerford this week that the Johnson government had threatened him, saying that if he refused to vote to support the government, he would deduct his constituencyFund in a new school.

Although the anger of the parliament has continued to rise in Johnson, so far, the threshold for the 54 members required for the 54 members required for Johnson Trust votes has not yet reached.Some Conservative MPs said they would make decisions after the investigation.

The British Foreign Minister Tras, which is considered a popular candidate for John, stated that she 100 % supports Johnson's stay.She said: "I hope the Prime Minister will continue his job as much as possible. He does very well, without any leadership elections."