(Washington Composite) The United States has accused Russia of recruiting Ukrainian officials to try to control Ukraine from the inside.The United States has announced sanctions on four Ukraine and current officials on Thursday because they participate in Russia's intention to destroy Ukraine's stability.

The United States CNN reported that the US Department of Finance issued a statement on Thursday (20) saying: "Russia has instructed intelligence personnel to recruit the current and former Ukrainian government officials, with the support of the Russian forces, with the support of the Russian forcesIt is ready to take over the Ukrainian government and control key infrastructure. "

Sanity includes two current members of the Ukrainian parliament.The Ministry of Finance stated that Russia recruited senior Ukrainian officials to obtain confidential information, threatened Ukraine's sovereignty, and created turmoil before the Russian army invaded.

U.S. President Biden said on Thursday that he had stated to Russian President Putin that once the Russian army entered the Ukrainian border, it would be considered an invasion.Bayeng said to reporters in the White House: "I have said it to President Putin that he will not have any misunderstandings. If any Russian unit crosses the Ukrainian border, it is aggression." Bayeng also said, "If Putin also said," If Putin also said, "If Putin also said," If Putin also said, "If Putin also said," If Putin also said, "If Putin also said,"When choosing aggression, Russia will pay the price of pain. "

Russia gathers the army on the Ukraine border, and Western countries are worried that Russia will invade the army.Biden said that in addition to military, Russia also used other means to achieve the purpose of aggression, such as penetration and cyber attacks.Washington is paying close attention to various related trends.

A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zaharawa fingered on Western countries to take the opportunity to provide military provocations on Thursday, revealing that the United States and the United Kingdom have provided weapons to Ukraine.Zaharava said that in the past few months, the United States has transported 30 anti -tank missile systems and 180 missiles to Ukraine. The United States will also provide a group of arms to Ukraine this month.

US Russian Foreign Minister will hold talks in Geneva on Friday to make the final efforts to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

U.S. Secretary of State Broskens warned in Geneva before the Russian threat to UkraineIt may allow Europe to repeat the split situation during the Cold War.Brinken said that Russia prevented Ukraine from joining the North Atlantic Convention, violating the international principles that all countries can decide on their own."If Russia is allowed to violate these principles and will not be punished without any punishment, we will pull us back to a more dangerous and turbulent (Cold War) era ... the shadow of all -round war shrouded the entire continent."

He also said: "The problem is no longer limited to the conflict between the two countries, which is larger than the conflict between Russia and NATO. This is a crisis that affects the global country and requires the attention and actions of all countries around the world. "Bollingken called on Putin to choose the" peace of peace in diplomatic negotiationsthe way".

With the increasingly tense situation in Ukraine, Russia has announced the launch of large -scale military exercises and joint exercises with neighbors Beros. NATO member states also have actions.

The Spanish National Defense Minister Roofles said on Thursday that Spain has sent warships to join the NATO Navy forces in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, and consider sending fighters to Bulgaria in response to the assembly of the Russian army on the Ukraine border;The Zhouhui frigates to the Baltic Sea, France also sent troops to Romania."Russia can't tell other countries what to do, and NATO will protect and defense the sovereignty to join NATO."