(Paris Comprehensive) French President Macron said on Tuesday that French next -generation aircraft carriers will use nuclear power to be built in 2025 and use it in 2038 to replace the currently serving nuclear power carrier.

Macron headed to Leclerzo, a central city of France that day to inspect the French nuclear power giant Farcom in a local factory.He said that France's strategic deterrent power includes both nuclear submarines and nuclear -powered aircraft carriers, so French next -generation aircraft carriers will continue to use nuclear power.

According to the news released by the French shipbuilding company Navy Group, the next -generation aircraft carrier is full of 75,000 tons and a ship's length of about 300 meters. It can be equipped with 30 carrier -based aircraft, and various indicators are better than the Daogo aircraft carrier.The new aircraft carrier also prepares a number of advanced military technology, which is expected to serve for 40 years.

Or spend 8.1 billion to 11.3 billion yuan

The French military did not disclose the construction cost of new aircraft carriers. French public opinion estimated that the construction of new aircraft carriers may spend 5 billion to 7 billion euros (8.1 billion to 11.3 billion yuan).Because Brexit has been Brexit, France is currently the only big nuclear country in the European Union.The Da Gogho began to serve in 2001. It is currently the only nuclear -powered aircraft carrier in France with a full -load displacement of more than 40,000 tons.