(Morning News) In the 110th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il Sung (April 15), the late leader of North Korea and the 80th anniversary of the birth of Kim Jong Il (February 16), the Korean media worked hard.Create a grand celebration social atmosphere and emphasize the absolute loyalty to the leader of the country Kim Jong -un.

Yonhap reported that the labor party agency reported the labor news on Friday (January 21) that the Eighth Central Committee's Sixth Politburo meeting passed the grand celebration of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong ZhengThe Politburo resolutions on the anniversary of the birthday of the day emphasized that a grand celebration should be held to celebrate the two major anniversaries and promoted the dignity and prestige of the "Kim Il Sung Nationality" and "Kim Jong Il's North Korea".

The editorial emphasizes that only by making the party and the revolutionary team united, can we inherit and complete the great cause of the main revolution, and swear to support Comrade Kim Jong -un.The editorial pointed out that it is not necessary to sit at a small thing to destroy unity, and the struggle should be carried out immediately, so that the tradition of vowing to support leaders and unity will always flow in North Korea.

Analysis believes that this year coincides with the birth of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il for ten years.The 10th anniversary of Kim Jong -un's loyalty.