Chairman of the United States Chiefs of Staff Miri warned that the fuse of the next World War may be Sino -Russian's sneak attack on American space assets, and the next Pearl Harbor incident may occur in space.He also said that space is the weak link of the U.S. military.Russian media pointed out that the United States has long -term hype of China and Russia's threat in the space field, and has established the Space Army.

According to the Global Network quoted Russian satellite network, Mily believes that the U.S. military currently relies on satellite -based communication systems, command control systems and navigation systems, which may promote some countries to make similar electronic war versions through electromagnetic weapons or direct attacksPearl Harbor incident.

The Pearl Harbor incident occurred on December 7, 1941. The old Japanese Navy's joint fleet launched a sneak attack on the Hawaii Navy Base in the United States. This attack officially pulled the United States into World War II.

It is reported that the attacks that the United States may be subject to space assets and the possibility of paralyzing the US military and the entire American society in the United States has led to a rapid expansion of military assets in space in space, including the establishment of December 2019USSF.

At present, the Trump administration of the United States has regarded China and Russia to test anti -satellite missiles (ASAT) as provocative and threatening incidents, and requires larger -scale actions to protect American space assets.However, the satellite network refutes that it is a series of space weapons developed by the United States, including anti -satellite missiles and electromagnetic weapons that can interfere with satellite communication. In the Cold War, the United States even tried to use nuclear explosion to produce electromagnetic pulses to interfere with the Soviet Union’s.Satellite operation.

Regarding the threat of space speculation in the United States, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded as early as 2018 that the United States started the Space Army at the beginning of the establishment of the Space Army. Geng Shuang, then a Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, said that outer space is a common property of all human beings.Foreign empty, opposition to the air weaponization and the airlife reserve competition, and also oppose the external air as the battlefield.It is hoped that all parties will work together to effectively maintain the long -lasting peace and peace.

In recent years, China has made rapid progress in the aerospace industry. On November 24, the Long March 5 Yaozhuo Rockets ignited at the Wenchang Space launcher, and successfully sent the Chang'e 5 detector to the scheduled track to open the first out -of -ground celestial body sampling in China.Return.The Chang'e -5 is performing the sixth mission of the Chinese lunar exploration project. It plans to realize the automatic sampling return of the moon surface and help deepen scientific research such as the cause of the moon and the history of evolution.

On July 23 this year, China ’s first Mars Exploration Mission Tianwen No. 1 Detector successfully launched the launch on the 23rd, officially opening a journey to China’ s autonomous Mars detection.However, this also attracted some media that the Chinese space activity was to grab the leadership of space. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said that the ranking of China in the Martian detection is not in line with the fact that the statement of the leading power of space.Cause is completely used for peaceful purposes. China is willing to carry out international cooperation in the aerospace field with countries around the world to make positive contributions to promoting the establishment of a community of human destiny.