(Washington Comprehensive) analyst pointed out that the attack on Fahlizad, a senior nuclear physicist in Iran, may lead to the upgrading of tensions in the Middle East and seriously affect the planning of the US president Biden Biden with Iran.

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Bureau (CIA), Brennan, posted in Twitter on Friday that Mohsen Fakhrizadeh (formerly translated Fa Crizard) was a very reckless criminal act, and warned that this caused this incident to cause this incidentThe risk of fatal revenge with a new round of regional conflicts.

Burenan led the CIA during the administration of Obama from 2013 to 2017. At that time, Biden was Vice President.

Biden will take office in January next year. He promises to provide reliable ways to restart diplomatic exchanges to Tehran. If Iran resumes the nuclear agreement, the United States will re -join the agreement as the starting point for subsequent negotiations.But after Fahlizad's assassination, Iran pointed his spear to the United States and Israel, making the Iranian problem even more difficult.

Burenan urged ICT to restrain, waiting for the United States to become responsible global leaders, and suppress the impulse to counterattack the culprit's leader.

George Middot; Friedman, a University of Washington University, pointed out that the murder was designed to destroy US diplomatic efforts and national interests, and Iran's hardliners who wanted to obtain nuclear weapons were likely to benefit.

However, some analysts believe that this incident may help the United States negotiate with Iran.

Du Polvitz, the head of the US Think Tank Defense Democratic Foundation, pointed out: It has been nearly two months before Biden took office. The United States and Israel have a lot of time to severely damage the Iranian regime and establish negotiating leverage for the Biden government.

According to media reports, the US Nimitz aircraft carrier formation has been sent to the Persian Gulf waters, but the U.S. military claims that it has nothing to do with Fahlizad's assassination.Germany called on Saturdays to avoid taking operations that may lead to upgrading of the situation and emphasized the importance of maintaining dialogue with Iran.