(Morning News) Comprehensive foreign news reports, a research report released by the American Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Wednesday (January 19) shows that the last wave of virus virus in the United States is the main transmission of virus virus as the main transmission virus.In the epidemic, the rehabilitation of the crown disease without vaccination is better protected than those who have vaccinated but have not infected.

However, researchers warn that infection should not be used as an anti -epidemic strategy, because compared to those who have vaccinated vaccines, the hospitalization, long -term sequelae and death risk of those who have not been vaccinated are higher.

It is reported that before Delta became the main transmission of viruses in the United States, the immunity generated by vaccination was stronger than the natural immunity generated after recovery.CDC said in a statement: "The virus is constantly changing, including coronary virus ... During the research period, the protection of the protection provided after the vaccine and rehabilitation has changed. Vaccination is still the safest strategy to prevent crown disease."

A study published in August last year in Israel also found that during the Delta variant virus became the main transmission of virus, natural immunization was more effective than vaccination.However, CDC held the opposite opinion based on the data before Delta appeared.

Research reports pointed out that further research is needed to determine the duration of immunity after disease, including which virus strain, severity, and symptoms are what the patient is infected.