(Morning News) U.S. President Biden warned on Wednesday (January 19) that Russia will pay a heavy price for invasion of Ukraine, including serious casualties and economic damage.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Russia has deployed 100,000 in the Ukrainian border.Bayon believes that Russian President Putin may "invade" Ukraine, but may not launch a comprehensive war.

Bayeng said at a press conference: "I think he will invade, he must take action."

But Biden emphasized that if Russia really invades Ukraine, American allies and partners are ready to make Russia and its economy at a heavy price, which will be a "disaster" for Russia.

He said that Russia must take responsibility for invading Ukraine, "this will depend on what Russia has done."

But Biden believes that Putin "still does not want to launch a comprehensive war."He pointed out that Russia does not have good options, and war will lead to "serious economic consequences". In addition to being cut off, Russia will also face economic sanctions.

The US dollar is the world's main trade currency. If Russia is sanctioned by economic sanctions, Russian banks will not be able to trade with US dollars."This is definitely not easy for Russia for Russia."

Biden also said he was willing to hold talks with Putin.He believes that there are still "possibilities" to resolve Ukraine's deadlock through talks.

The last anniversary of Biden: full of challenges but made progress

(Morning News) U.S. President Biden Biden's first anniversary on Thursday (January 20), he said on Wednesday (19th)It has been challenging in the past year, but the United States has made progress in responding to the epidemic and economic aspects.

Comprehensive foreign news reports, Biden summarized the results of the last year at the press conference, and talked about the problems of crown disease epidemic, inflation, the "rebuilding a better future" social security bill, and midterm elections and diplomacy.

Bynden emphasized that the United States has made progress in the past year, including creating 6 million employment opportunities, 21 million people who have vaccinated the vaccine, the unemployment rate has fallen to 3.9%, and the rate of children's poverty has decreased to nearly 40%EssenceHe said that although the Omikon variant virus made the people feel frustrated and burn up, because many people had vaccinated vaccines, they did not cause panic.

Biden also said that he intends to compete for re -election in 2024 and will continue to run with Vice President Harris.He praised Harris's outstanding performance and did well in handling voting rights.

When talking about the Sino -US trade agreement, Biden said he was not ready to relax tariffs on Chinese goods.

He said: "I hope to reach such a stage, I can say that they are fulfilling their commitments, or more than commitment, then I can relieve some tariffs, but we haven't reached that step."/p>

In the early days of Biden, he was recognized by 69 % of the people because of the immigration, but his support rate had slipped to 46 % due to the Omikon out of the epidemic and the U.S. military urged from Afghanistan to withdraw troops.