<b>International Special: New Trend of Southeast Asian Epidemia reduce carbon footprint w</b>
International Special: New Trend of Southeast Asian Epidemia reduce carbon footprint w
International Special Special Liao Huiting [email protected] As people gradually come out of the crown disease, the tourism industry has begun to recover quickly. Southeast Asia's tourism industry has been silent for more than two years, ju...
2023-10-12 12:02:58
<b>Biden: I have prepared to talk to Putin to end the Russian and Ukraine Macron promised</b>
Biden: I have prepared to talk to Putin to end the Russian and Ukraine Macron promised
Macron, who went to the United States to visit the White House on Thursday, went to the White House on Thursday. The two had three hours of talks and held a press conference together. (Washington Composite) US President Biden said he was op...
2023-10-12 12:02:56
Specific response plan for the discussion of the sense of military construction in Chi
Specific response plan for the discussion of the sense of military construction in Chi
Cai Tiancheng sorting [email protected] (Buccuster Composite Electric) The United States said that the Peking University Convention Organization Allies were uneasy about China's rapid and opaque military construction, including cooperation...
2023-10-12 12:02:54
<b>Secretary -General of NATO: There are hidden safety hazards in dealing with authoritar</b>
Secretary -General of NATO: There are hidden safety hazards in dealing with authoritar
(Berlin Composite Electric) Stoltenberg, Secretary -General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, stated that he still believes in the benefits of free trade, but he warns that there are hidden security hazards in dealing with authorit...
2023-10-12 09:23:16
Anhua announced the first batch of cabinet list on Friday
Anhua announced the first batch of cabinet list on Friday
Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua Materials Anwar Materials announced the first batch of cabinet lists from 4 pm to 6 pm on Friday (December 2). (Morning News) Singapore Daily quoted sources saying that Anwar will announce two deputy prime min...
2023-10-12 09:23:14
Leaders such as Russia and Japan expressed their mourning
Leaders such as Russia and Japan expressed their mourning
(Moscow / Tokyo / Beijing Composite Electric) After the death of former President of China, Jiang Zemin, Russia, Japan, Laos and other countries expressed condolences. According to Agence France -Presse, Russian President Putin said in a st...
2023-10-12 09:23:12
<b>U.S. Department of Defense: According to the existing expansion speed 2035, the Chines</b>
U.S. Department of Defense: According to the existing expansion speed 2035, the Chines
The US Department of Defense on Tuesday to the Chinese military and security development report submitted to Congress on Tuesday pointed out that in the past two years, China has almost doubled the number of nuclear warheads.China began to...
2023-10-12 09:23:09
Japan's defense expenditure will double to 2% of GDP within five years
Japan's defense expenditure will double to 2% of GDP within five years
Ruzi Wishi Tokyo Special officer [email protected] The Japanese government has decided to adjust the principle of defense expenditure for nearly half a century. Within five years, the proportion of defense spending in GDP has increased from...
2023-10-12 09:23:07
It will reduce the risk of the union to the minimum "tailor -made" reward in South
It will reduce the risk of the union to the minimum "tailor -made" reward in South
South Korean President Yin Xiyue held a video conference with Tesla CEO Musk last week.At the meeting, Musk said that he regarded South Korea as one of the preferred places for investment, and Yin Xiyue said that South Korea would "tailor -...
2023-10-12 09:23:05
The United States will announce the new plan to help Wu to restore electricity supply
The United States will announce the new plan to help Wu to restore electricity supply
(Kiev / Bologast Composite) The United States will announce a new assistance plan on Tuesday (November 29) to assist Ukraine to restore power supply.Ukraine is also asking more air defense assistance from Western countries to resist the con...
2023-10-12 09:23:02
Kishida: Japanese defense budget must reach 2% of GDP in 2027
Kishida: Japanese defense budget must reach 2% of GDP in 2027
(Morning News) The Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Tianshi increased the budget of defense expenditure to 2%of the GDP (GDP) in 2027; Japan's national defense budget for a long time accounted for about 1%of GDP. Kyodo News reported that Kis...
2023-10-12 09:23:00
<b>Biden pays close attention to the White House of Chinese protests: the United States s</b>
Biden pays close attention to the White House of Chinese protests: the United States s
(Morning News) U.S. President Biden is closely noticed that the Chinese people demanded that the protests held by the strict epidemic prevention blockade were requested, and a few regions in China also appeared in China to support Chinese d...
2023-10-12 09:22:57
<b>American Expert: Dripping policy is difficult to continue China must improve vaccine v</b>
American Expert: Dripping policy is difficult to continue China must improve vaccine v
(Washington Composite Electric) Two US senior health officials questioned China's crown disease clearing policy and believed that it was meaningless to expand the immunity of the group by improving the vaccination plan.Essence The United St...
2023-10-12 09:22:55
Announce the India Economic and Foreign Strategy Plan for Canada to invest in more res
Announce the India Economic and Foreign Strategy Plan for Canada to invest in more res
Canada emphasized China's "external intervention and the increasing coercion to other countries" on Sunday.It said: "China is an increasingly destructive power. Our strategy comes from a clear and clear assessment of the reality of China to...
2023-10-12 06:43:13
<b>The first foreign policy speech Sunak: To defend the free opening of Britain, the UK m</b>
The first foreign policy speech Sunak: To defend the free opening of Britain, the UK m
(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Sonak delivered his first major foreign policy speech on Monday (November 28) in the evening of Monday (November 28) to clarify that Britain must take more actions on the international stag...
2023-10-12 06:43:10