The Bayeng government announced a wide range of influence on Monday, which prohibit Internet cars from using Chinese -developed software on the grounds of national security.This is aimed at preventing Chinese intelligence departments from monitoring Americans' actions, or using electronic equipment on the car as a way to enter the US power grid or other key infrastructure.

This move is likely to be the last decision to prohibit Chinese products from entering the United States during the term of office.The logic of the survey is the same.

In addition to Congress forced Tiktok's efforts to cut off the relationship with Chinese owners, the plan is an important supplement to the government's blockage as an important supplement to the United States.But this effort has actually put a number of iron in the world's two major economies. Only 20 years ago, some people claimed that the Internet would be closely linked to them.

Government officials said to reporters that the reason for the U.S. Department of Commerce to propose this ban was national security considerations, not politics.Officials said that the ban would likely be a permanent regulation before President Biden's next January 20 next year.This year, Biden has announced a 100%tariff on China's electric vehicles, saying that these cars have received a lot of subsidies in China.The reason why the announcement of improving tariffs is attractive because Chinese electric vehicles have just begun to enter the US market, and Biden clearly stated that taxation is a way to protect US employment.

"Many such technologies collect a lot of information about drivers," Bayon's national security adviser Jack Shalvin told reporters last Sunday.Software that connect cars to the Internet also allows them to be connected with personal electronic equipment, other networking cars, key infrastructure in the United States, and primitive manufacturers of automobiles and components.

Salavin added: "For this reason, connected cars and its technologies brought new loopholes and threats, especially when cars or parts are developed by the People's Republic of China and other countries.Next. "

Shalvin mentioned the United States' concerns about the so -called "Volt Typhoon". The US Intelligence Officer and the Federal Investigation Agency stated that it was the efforts to insert code into the US power system, water supply system and other key infrastructure.American officials are worried that during the crisis, for example, China tries to capture Taiwan -this code may be used to destroy US military bases and slow down their response.

Although they are evaluating other industries that may be restrained by software and hardware rules similar to the Chinese automotive industry, officials said that none of the industries they are currently considering will be as greatly affected by the ban on Chinese cars.

The struggle with the real and noticed China threats is the one that has won supported by the Democratic and Republican Party. Although many Chinese issues of China believe that the fear of China is overlap, and this concern also hurts the United States in the United Statesconsumer.Nevertheless, whether the former President Trump returned to the White House or the vice president He Jinli was elected as the president, experts believe that the continuous expanded Chinese products prohibit import lists and the limitation of Chinese chips and software exports.Essence

CEO Richard Fangdan recently released a ten -year -old ten years called the rise of the rise of the strength of Asia and China in the United States. In an interview, he said that the new measure isThe United States has worked further to further expand its efforts around the strategic importance "small courtyard to build high walls".

"The issue of Chinese technology is obvious that the scale of 'small courtyard' is expanding and will continue to expand, no matter who won the election in November this year," Fang Dan said."Policists holding various views are increasingly worried about the national security risks brought by Chinese technology, especially when they imagine what may happen in a conflict."

The new rules are also included in Russia's software, although Russia has rarely produced any products that may be banned.

"This precedent is of great significance. I think this reflects the complexity of this world because many networking devices may be weaponized," said Said Brad Saiser, a senior researcher at the US Foreign Relations Commission."The competition and confrontation between the United States and China on national security issues are increasing. Therefore, of course, this precedent may expand over time."

Peter Harrell, who had served as a senior internationally internationally economy of the Biden Government, said federal officials may investigate the drones made in China, and they also have similar surveillance and security risks.

"This may open the door for the US government in the next few years," Harrell said.

Although he said, he was not sure if the Biden government could launch more measures before the end of Bayeng's term, but he said that the United States "may continue this policy under the leadership of Trump or He Jinli."

The newly proposed ban will be suitable for all rotary vehicles on the road, including cars, trucks and buses, but will exclude vehicles that are not driving on public roads, such as agricultural or mining vehicles.

The ban on the use of China or Russia's native software in connected and autonomous vehicles will begin to take effect from the models of 2027.The new rules will also start from the 2030 models to integrate into the hardware of the vehicle network system.

U.S. Minister of Commerce Gina Raymond acknowledged that there are almost no Chinese or Russian -made vehicles on the American road, but she said that the government wants to take measures to make preemptive people in order to "protect the American people, including our children, not suffered from being not subject to our children.Potential surveillance.

Raymondo said that foreign opponents may use software in connected cars to collect data such as drivers' residences and where their children go to school.Raymond Doro said that under extreme circumstances, foreign opponents may close or control all vehicles that use their software in the United States, which will cause collision and road blockage.

"This is not a matter of trade or economic advantages," Raymond said during the call conference on Sunday."This is purely national security."

Before the new rules were introduced, Biden had ordered a survey by the threat of the Ministry of Commerce's technology embedded in Chinese cars in February this year.

The new regulations have also been introduced after the Bayeng government has taken measures to prevent the import of Chinese cars. Officials are worried that Chinese cars may destroy the US government's efforts to increase clean energy products in China.

In May this year, the Bayeng government increased the tariffs imposed on Chinese electric vehicles to trip, and increased the tax rate to 100%.Federal American auto manufacturer.The federal government is providing generous tax credits and subsidies to motivate enterprises to launch more electric vehicles, solar energy and wind energy projects.These incentive measures are expected to pay hundreds of billions of dollars in the federal government in the next ten years.

The U.S. government is also taking measures to restrict the ability to benefit from Chinese companies from the tax credits provided by consumers. The government provides this derived to reduce the cost of consumers' purchase of electric vehicles.