In September, when the climate was pleasant, China held two attractive international conferences. One was to gather the China -Africa Cooperation Forum of the heads of state and dignitaries of 53 countries in Africa, and then the Beijing Xiangshan Forum just closed on the weekend.

The participants of the two activities are different and the scale is also very different.The China -Africa Cooperation Forum is a platform for China and Africa to discuss economy, infrastructure, raw materials, and even political and military cooperation; except for Sverland, which has no diplomatic relations with China, all other African countries have sent heads, heads of state or presidential representatives to attendEssenceThe Xiangshan Forum is a stage of defense diplomacy, which is a stage for China's international security agenda and shaping the international security pattern.Chinese commentators call the Xiangshan Forum "Beixianghui" and talk to the Shangri -La dialogue (they commented on the "Nanxiang Society") in Singapore to fight for Yan.

Although the characteristics of these two diplomatic activities are different, their similarities have attracted more attention.In these activities, China has focused on low economic development levels, that is, the focus of the global south to fight for the focus.China's current foreign strategy is visible.

In the international situation in which China -US confrontation continues to heat up, the Russian and Ukraine War, and the Middle East conflict, some African countries have risen dissatisfaction with the United States. At this time, China has strengthened strategic cooperation with the global southern southern to break through the United States and the WestThe country's congestion in the market, resources, diplomacy and other aspects.Through cooperation with Africa, China is also the two key issues of modernization and what is security.At the same time, increasing the volume of the south of the world is also equivalent to raising China's own volume and right to speak on defense issues.

Specifically, this year's China -Africa Cooperation Forum, which is held every three years and opened on September 5, is set to "join hands to promote modernization and build a community of destiny."In his speech, Chinese officials proposed that China -Africa's promotion of "fair and reasonable modernization" must not only follow the general law of modernization, but also meet the actual situation of the country.For this reason, China announced that it will provide Africa 360 billion yuan in the next three years (661, 661100 million yuan) Fund support .

Chinese officials also proposed to raise China's bilateral relations with all African establishment diplomatic relations to the level of strategic relations, and increase the overall positioning of China -Africa relations to "the community of destiny community of China and Africa in the new era".Take the lead in landing in Africa.

As for the Xiangshan Forum that opened on September 13, more than 60 % of the participating junior high schools were southern countries in the world.China Defense Minister Dong Jun's speech at the opening ceremony cooperated with the theme of "Building a Peace and Sharing Future"."REL = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Unlike ordinary Chinese defense ministers, it is often fully opened to the United States and Taiwan independence .During the meeting, Chinese senior general He Lei also sent a "harmony" calligraphy banner to the US representative, becoming a material reported by Chinese media.

Despite the ease of the posture, China Wisked the South of the world with indirect "anti-beauty" , it is not a hidden theme at all.If you want to analyze the cause and effect, is the United States being blocked by China first, or is China trying to overthrow the current international order that is actually dominated by the United States?The difference between the two in China and the United States, the difference between the two is sometimes difficult to distinguish.

It is more certain that the chase of the south of the world is also another competition for China and the United States to surround the world's influence and control.Since the then US Trump administration has defined China as a strategic competitor, the dispute between China and the United States has expanded to all aspects, including competitions for the south of the world, which has also caused increasingly anxiety and alert in the Western world.

From the perspective of some Western comments, the southern world is sometimes portrayed as victims under Western capitalism; they questioned that China itself benefited from the existing international order, but used the global south as a favorable weapon against the United States, establishedItself hegemony has caused African countries to fall into a "debt trap".

China's enterprising makes the US government dare not neglect and is seeking to repair relations with Africa.Shortly after the end of the China -Africa Cooperation Forum Summit, the US media quoted anonymous sources that the president Biden would visit Angola in the next few weeks to conduct the first African trip during his tenure. This is also the United States again after nine years laterPresident visits Africa.When the U.S. Permanent Representative of the United Nations Greenfield said at the UN General Assembly last Thursday (September 12), it also announced that the United States supports the establishment of two permanent members of the Security Council for African countries, but does not give vetors.Greenfield also suggested that another place is a very important member of the country, and the development of Nakajima has taken turns.

At this time when the presidential re -election, the Russian and Ukraine War and the Middle East were not resolved, the U.S. leaders would not have much time and energy to take into account the issue of pushing the south of the world.After the election, the United States may also have to go through some ups and downs, which is indeed the time when China expands the leadership of the global southern southern.However, China and the United States confrontation are more comprehensive and more camp -based. For world peace, it is a disaster.

The main criticism of the Western world to China is the intention to overthrow international order, and the other is to disrespect human rights.Both criticisms are not completely fair, but they are not all basically not basically, making it more difficult to distinguish between Sino -US relations. The two major powers still need to find a common way of coexistence in concepts and national interests.Back to the history, Chinese leader Mao Zedong put forward the view of the "three worlds" in the 1970s: to unite the comparison of world political forces by uniting the third world; half a century later, if the two powers in the world are in the thinking of camp confrontation,It will highlight that human progress is quite limited.The international order of peaceful and stable requires tolerance in terms of words and deeds. Other countries will also urge to urge them, and look forward to the two major powers to make an example.