(Taipei Comprehensive News) According to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan Lai Qingde planned for the first time in the second half of this year and passed the United States for the first time, but temporarily postponed due to the US presidential election.

Lianhe News on Monday (August 26) reported that Lai Qingde visited Paraguay and Guadimara, the first choice of South America, and intended to transit the United States.However, when the United States is currently in the election of the presidential election, it is unwilling to Lai Qingde's high -profile transit. At this stage, it only opens the transit Hawaii.The Taiwan Government is therefore considered to visit other diplomatic countries, or wait until the US election until the November of the November.

Reports said that although Lai Qingde's visits plan temporarily postponed, Taiwan is still actively coordinating with the United States.Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong and Secretary -General of the National Security Council Wu Zhaozheng reportedly visited the United States last week to conduct talks with "special channels".The Democratic Progressive Party Secretary -General Lin Youchang will also visit the United States for 13 days on behalf of Lai Qingde to visit the US think tank and politicians.

According to the Liberty Times, Jiang Donglin, former chairman of Taiwan Overseas, former Democratic Party, said at a seminar on Monday that if Lai Qingde visited before the US election, it was difficult to find candidates suitable for meeting.Essence

Fang Enger, a senior consultant of the Asia -Pacific Youth Association, analyzed that if Lai Qingde passed the United States, the treatment would be similar to Tsai Ing -wen, speaking in think tanks, university, and held overseas banquets, attending some public activities.He expects that mainland China will launch military instability due to dissatisfaction, or let diplomatic relations with diplomatic means to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Taiwan Newtalk News Network said earlier this month that Lai Qingde has not been visited for three months, and it may become the latest visit to the recent new presidents.