Special counsel , who is overseeing the prosecution of former President in two federal cases, was the target of an attempted swatting at his Maryland residence on Christmas Day.

According to two law enforcement sources, someone called 911 and said that Smith had shot his wife at the address where Smith lives.

Montgomery County Police dispatched units toward the home but were called off when the Deputy U.S. Marshals protecting Smith and his family told police that it was a false alarm and that everyone inside the home was safe.

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No arrests have been made in connection with the incident.

A spokesperson for the Special Counsel's Office declined to comment.

Smith has faced a series of threats in the months since he brought an indictment against Trump related to the former president's alleged efforts to overturn his election loss in 2020.

Smith's attorney Cecil VanDevender appeals court judges from the D.C. Circuit that Smith's office has "been subject to multiple threats" and "intimidating communication" after Trump published "inflammatory posts" about Smith.

NBC News reported earlier on Monday that , the federal judge overseeing the election interference case, was of a similar incident.

Swatting involves the false reporting of a crime in progress to draw police to a certain location.