Vietnam this year , And raise bilateral relations to the "comprehensive strategic partnership" at the highest level.Three months later, Vietnam ushered in the official Chinese official this week, and also Lore to a higher level than "comprehensive strategic partnership" .

For China, this visit is very successful.China and Vietnam signed 36 cooperation agreements, and issued a joint statement that emphasized the need to actively resolve maritime differences, and China -Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership established in 2008, deepened and promoted to "build a strategic community of China and Vietnam."

However, there are obvious differences in words in China and Vietnam's joint statements.In the Chinese version of the joint statement issued by Vietnam, the Vietnamese version, and the Chinese version of the Vietnamese government network, the wording is not the "community of destiny", but "to build a strategic part of the future community with strategic significance."

In short, China has upgraded Sino -Vietnamese relations to "Community of Common Destiny", which echoed China's official to build a community of human destiny in 2013.Vietnam's words are "Community with a Shared Future", which means "sharing".

Think of it, the Vietnamese media's expression is not uniform. For example, the China -Vietnam joint statement issued by the Vietnamese People's Daily Network is the "community of destiny" consistent with China.However, the joint statement of the People's Daily Network translation, and the signature articles published in the newspaper in the newspaper, all translated the "common destiny" as "sharing the future".

There is an international media review. This is called "a community, each expression".This delicate gap just reflects that Vietnam has become more and more softened in recent years, which has made diplomacy on both sides, which allows it to meet the source in geopolitics competition.

For Vietnam, it is not bad at all in the competition in the great power, but it does not benefit.This is due to the first time that the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam proposed the concept of "bamboo diplomacy" for the first time in August 2016, advocating the diplomatic style of the diplomatic style of the "bamboo diplomacy", and advocated that it was as strong as a bamboo.

In 2015, Ruan Fuzhong became the first General Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party, which was officially visited in the United States in history.After the US -China trade war began in 2018, the global supply chain began to reconstruct. Vietnam undertake a large number of manufacturing orders that have been transferred from China with the geographical location and cheap labor of near the water tower.After the Bidai came to power in 2021, Vietnam became an important part of the US "Friends Outsourcing" policy.In 2022, Vietnam's economic growth reached 8.02%, the fastest growth rate in 25 years.

From the perspective of the United States, Vietnam and China have disputes over the sovereignty of the South China Sea. Therefore, there is consistency with the United States in check -in China. It is the object worthy of pursuit. The interaction between the US executives and Vietnam is also more frequent.This includes the Vietnamese Vice President Harris in August 2021. In February this year, US trade representative Dai Qi visited Vietnam, March Biden and Ruan Fuzhong phone, April State Bollingin visited Vietnam, and October Biden went to person in OctoberVietnam defines Vietnam as an important partner for semiconductor cooperation.

But Vietnam does not have any negligence in the political and economic relations with China.At the end of October last year, Ruan Fuzhong became the first foreign leader who visited China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It was also the first time that China had received official visit to foreign leaders in the past three years.In fact, from 2015 to the present, China and Vietnam have achieved three rounds of mutual visits, namely Ruan Fuzhong's visit to China in April 2015, and China's official visit to Vietnam in November of the same year; January 2017 and November 2017 Ruan Fuzhong visited each other with Chinese officials.And this recent interoperability from October to this week.Vietnamese Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng also led a group to visit China in June this year.

In public words, Vietnam also directly emphasized that Vietnam's development of relations with China as "objective requirements, strategic choices, and foreign policies prioritize".Some Chinese scholars believe that Vietnam still uses a socialist country as a positioning, and the affection of Chinese "comrades and brothers" constitutes the basis of Vietnamese diplomacy.

Vietnamese scholar Wu Chunkang proposed another interpretation of the online magazine of diplomats: Vietnam guarantees China by emphasizing the socialist ideology of China and Vietnam, which relieves the tension with China again and again.It is already experienced in doing so.

Earlier, when the Vietnam -China Relations was nervous in 2014 (981 drilling platform incident) and in 2017, and 2018 due to maritime sovereignty disputes, Vietnam used common ideology to appease China.Wu Chunkang believes that Vietnam's "common destiny" is not enough to prevent the more war in the future, but it is enough to make the two countries deal with differences and no longer repeat the history of bilateral relations in 1978.

Wu Chunkang's article aims to explain to the more and enhance the relationship, does not mean that Vietnam's joining the anti -US camp is actually obvious.In the increasingly complicated geopolitical competition pattern, it is natural that Vietnam's relationship with major powers such as the United States and other powers in the United States is also natural.Vietnam's dexterous diplomacy, including strategic guarantee to seek its own security, and not blindly curb the method, is actually worth analysis of other parties.

For Vietnam, increasing cooperation in China also has actual benefits. For example, China can provide more direct help in supporting railways.Furthermore, the White House in the United States may be easy after next year, and Trump, who advocates isolation, may come to power again.In this context that cannot be ignored, no one will easily abandon the relationship with China.