Article 702 of the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Law is about to expire, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that in recent years, the US government has continuously expanded the scope of monitoring and monitoring and warned that the larger the scope of monitoring, the more the circle of friends will become, the moreSmall".

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Mao Ning said on a routine press conference on Thursday (December 14) that after the introduction of the US Foreign Intelligence Intelligence Surveillance Law was introduced in the Watergate incident, it was to prevent administrative official abuse of power and arbitrarily arbitrarily.monitor.However, the increase in 702 in 2008 allows the security department to implement monitoring and monitoring without the required court permit.

Mao Ning pointed out that the US government has continued to expand the scope of monitoring and monitoring, intervene in other domestic politics, and interfere with international affairs. This approach runs counter to the basic criteria of international law and international relations."The larger the scope of monitoring, the smaller the circle of friends. The United States should have more 'borders' senses', less' controlling'."

Article 702 of the US Congress passed the foreign intelligence monitoring law in 2008,American intelligence agencies such as the Federal Investigation Agency (FBI) (FBI), such as electronic monitoring of non -Americans outside the United States without court authorization, including viewing their emails.

Article 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Monitoring Law will expire on December 31st this year. Previously this controversial monitoring plan has been extended twice.According to Agence France -Presse previous reports, Article 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Monitoring Law must be extended again, which to a large extent rely on the Republican support.