Chinese President Xi Jinping said to the 50th anniversary celebration of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, saying that Chinese -style modernization will bring more opportunities to enterprises including American companies, and China and the United States will strengthen economic and trade cooperation., Extra space and promising prospects.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xi Jinping on Friday (December 15) to the 50th anniversary celebration of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade to send congratulations to congratulate the committee and all members, and to care and support Sino -US economy and trade for a long timePeople from all walks of life in the United States gave sincere greetings.

Xi Jinping said that not long ago, he met with the US President Biden in San Francisco to reach an important consensus.China is willing to implement the results of the San Francisco meeting and promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of Sino -US relations.

He emphasized that Sino -US economic and trade relations have brought many real benefits to the people of the two countries.Chinese -style modernization will bring more opportunities to enterprises including American companies. China and the United States will strengthen the potential for economic and trade cooperation with huge potential, broad space, and promising prospects.

U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen on Thursday (14th) also delivered a speech at the 50th anniversary dinner at the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the US -China Trade National Committee in Washington.

According to a speech published by the official website of the US Ministry of Finance, Yellen reviewed the progress of China and the United States in the economic field in the past year in the speech, and explained the three priorities of economic relations between China and the United States next year.

Yellen said that the goal of the United States next year is to continue to manage the bilateral economic relations in the United States and China, at the same time, it will continue to promote the clarification of China's economic and policy formulation.Enhance cooperation with China.She plans to visit China again next year to seek deepening cooperation and improve communication.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Biden also sent a congratulatory letter to the 50th anniversary celebration of the National Committee of the United States and China Trade.

The National Committee of the United States and China Trade was established in 1973. The headquarters is located in the capital Washington. It is a private trade organization specially established by the United States before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.Economic and Trade Cooperation.