(Manila Comprehensive) The Philippine President Markis said that the upgrading of the tension of the Taiwan Strait has attracted much attention from Southeast Asian leaders. At present, the Asianan Summit, which is currently held in Indonesia, will inevitably discuss this situation.

Magaks will also seek support for other Asian detachment leaders to finalize the Nanda China Sea Code to use this criterion to alleviate some controversies of the South China Sea.

Tuesday to Thursday (May 9th to 11th) in Indonesia at the 42nd Asian Summit.After the summit on the first day of the summit, Xiaomakus told reporters: "We agree with the Asian fine security on regional issues.

Magaks also added that he will actively promote the formation of the South China Sea Code by this Asian Summer Summit.He said: "I will once again propose the Code of Conduct of the South China Sea. Before this behavior criterion is implemented, the South China Sea issue will not calm down."

Formulate the progress of the South China Sea Code Slow

South China Sea Code will be a document with legal binding and regulating the behavior of various countries in the South China Sea. It aims to formulate a framework for helping the territorial and marine disputes in the mediation channel.

China and Asia's Diandan agreed to work together in 2002 to advance the goal of formulating the South China Sea Conduct, but the progress is slow. Only 15 years later, we started to set up a consultation framework.

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in December last year that the South China Sea Code is "far away from completion."

Patscar said: "When we talk about this problem, we must review ourselves: What is the bottleneck? What are the difficulties? How to solve this problem ... Everyone wants to have a code of conduct, so in the endWhat hinders the formation of the code of conduct, we should study so well. "