China's short video sharing applied to the international version of Douyin Tiktok said that the current monthly active users in the United States have reached 150 million, which is higher than 100 million in 2020.

According to Reuters, TIKTOK announced the above news before attending the hearing of the U.S. Congress on Thursday (March 23), CEO Zhou.TIKTOK said in September 2021 that there are more than 1 billion users a month in the world.

Tiktok faces increasing pressure in Washington, including many members of the National Assembly that American user data may fall into the Chinese government and call on the government to ban the application.

On the other hand, Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter and revealed that Mark Warner, chairman of the American Senate Intelligence Committee, is preparing a bill published on Tuesday (March 21) that will allow the United States to ban Tiktok and other

In the news interview with Fox on Sunday, Warner said that the bill was supported by the extensive cross -party member, and John Thune, a Republican member of Nanda, was the co -sponsor of the bill.

Members say that the new measures aim to offset the threat to the stolen American user data.Last week, the House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee has passed the bill authorized to ban TIKTOK.