Yes, highlighting the isolation of RussiaEssenceIncluding the EU, the United Kingdom, Turkish and other countries, they have discussed emergency issues that have troubled them since the invasion of Ukraine in Russia.

Ukrainian President Zelezki also called on countries to provide more support for Kiev at the meeting.

Reuters reported that this symbolic summit covering the Gaoto -land in the southeast to the northwest Iceland was held on Thursday (October 6).) Leader meeting.

The EU 27 countries and 17 non -EU countries and regions attended the meeting to discuss issues such as European security, energy, climate change, and economy under the new situation.Some of these countries are waiting to join the European Union, and Britain is the only country that is separated from the European Union.

The British Prime Minister Tallas, who faced huge pressure in China, also attended the EPC summit in the face of huge pressure in China, becoming the focus of publicity.The reporter asked Tras at the opening ceremony of the summit, and now how to look at Macron, she said that Macron is the British "friend".

Macron responded that "very happy" to see Tras in Prague, and hoped that this would marked a new start of Britain's relationship with the European Union after Brexit.

Macron said in English: "This is an island, but this island did not move away from the mainland." Macron said: "I really hope that we have opened a new page."

Tellas was asked about Macron as enemies or friends in August. She said that there was no conclusion.

Zelenezki urged the participating leaders to transform the new political community into "European Peace Community" through a video link.

Zeleian Sky said: "Let today become the starting point. Europe and the entire free world will start from this starting point to guarantee peace for all of us. This is possible to do it." He also called for "gatheringThe end of the European power end (Ukraine) war. "

The EU's rotating chairman of the Czech Czech Prime Minister Fiara said in his speech before the meeting that he hopes to open this meeting into a roundtable forum, and the current Europe and other are in Europe and other.The regional situation conducts informal exchanges.He emphasized that the meeting would not establish a new European organization or replace the existing form of cooperation, and the meeting of the day would not even pass any formal resolution.

In May this year, Macron proposed to establish a European political community at the closing ceremony of the European Future Forum, and European countries, including British and EU candidates, can find new space for political cooperation within this framework.