(Shenzhen Bloomberg) People familiar with the matter revealed that if a Chinese technology company Huawei supports a startup, if a successful startup is successfully started, it may help Huawei to avoid US sanctions.

Bloomberg Society on Thursday (October 6) quoted anonymous insiders that Huawei is providing support for a start -up company in Shenzhen. The company has ordered chip manufacturing equipment for the construction of a semiconductor manufacturer to build a semiconductor manufacturer.

Public records and satellite photos show that the startup is Pengxin Micro -integrated Circuit Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which is operated by a former Huawei executive. It is currently being Daxing Civil Engineering near Huawei Headquarters.

People familiar with the matter said that Huawei is expected to buy most of Pengxin micro -products, if not all products.One of the people familiar with the matter said that Pengxin Micro plans to deliver chip products as early as the first half of next year.

If this start -up company successfully starts, it may effectively assist Huawei to get rid of the United States on the grounds of military and economic threats, and to obtain chip restrictions on Huawei.Huawei refused to comment on this.

Although Pengxinwei is low -key, it has attracted the attention of the Industrial and Security Agency (BIS) of the US Department of Commerce, and the bureau is responsible for supervising the US trade restrictions.BIS responded to Bloomberg's inquiry that the department noticed that the startup and "allegations between their relationship with Huawei"."BIS continues to focus on any party where regulations avoid export control, and adopt administrative or law enforcement measures in a timely manner to deal with violations."

Peng Xinwei said in a statement that it has signed an agreement with the supplier and will be produced from 2025, but it does not mention customers.A person familiar with Pengxin Micro Strategy said the company plans to start 28 nanote technology next year.