(Morning News) French writer Annie Eric won this year's Nobel Prize in Literature.

According to Reuters, the Nobel Prize Award Awards Agency announced on Thursday (October 6) and decided to award the award to Erno, 82 to praise her through courage and sensitivity to find out and find out to find out and find out to find out and find out to find out and find out.Personal memory root source.

Awards agencies believe that Elno has consistently and from different perspectives to review a life affected by distinct gender, language, and class differences.

Most of Elno's works are autobiographical works.

Salman Rushdie, a novelist in the United States in August, was one of the popular candidates for winning prizes.Other popular candidates include another French writer Michel Houellebecq, Kenya writer NGugi Wa Thiong'o, and Canadian poet Anne Carson.

Elno will receive a bonus of 10 million Swedish Crown (about 1.29 million yuan).