The United States has accused China and Russia for protecting the illegal weapon research and development projects of North Korea in the United Nations, and obstructs the Security Council's efforts to strengthen sanctions on North Korea.At the same time, Pyongyang officially continued to launch ballistic missiles in response to the United Nations Security Council discussed North Korea's violations of many resolutions.

According to VOA, under the request of the United States, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Wednesday (October 5) to discuss the ballistic missiles with a range of nearly 4,600 kilometers from North Korea the day before the discussion.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, listed the fact that the North Korean violated the Security Council's decision to launch ballistic missiles in the past few months, and pointed out that international atomic energy institutions and multiple countriesObserve the signs of the official preparations for the restoration of nuclear weapons.

She said that since the beginning of this year, 13 members of the 15 member states of the Security Council have condemned these illegal actions of North Korea and voted to support North Korea to pay the actual price.Now it is time for the relevant sanctions that the Security Council has passed the Security Council.

When the Chinese representative spoke, Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, only used the phrase "Chinese noticing the recent launch activities of the DPRK" to describe the missile launch of North Korea in succession.Obviously violated the illegal behavior of the Security Council's resolutions, but instead accused "the United States recently strengthened the military alliance in the Asia -Pacific region, pushed up the risk of military confrontation, pursued dual standards on nuclear issues, carried out political conflicts, and poisoned the regional security environment."Against the background, the situation in the peninsula will inevitably be nervous.

Geng Shuang also criticized the Security Council "not to show strong pressure", and play a constructive role on the Peninsula issue.

U.S. Ambassador Greenfield responded to China's accusations at the meeting that the United States and South Korea implemented defensive military exercises in responsible and in line with international law, which is completely incomparable to North Korea's illegal ballistic missile launch.

In response to the accusations of the so -called United States on the nuclear issue in China, Greenfield said that the AUKUS (AUKUS) does not violate the nuclear non -diffusion treaty (NPT).Disciplinary discussions on the illegal nuclear projects of North Korea.

Greenfield said that the draft resolution proposed by China and Russia in the Security Council is based on their considers North Korea to show their goodwill through suspension of weapon tests.She said, but did North Korea suspend?

Greenfield said that China and Russia obviously take harmful actions in North Korea, and their draft resolution should not be valued by the Security Council.

After a few hours of the Security Council, Pyongyang officially had no fear, and launched a number of short -range ballistic missiles to Japan on Thursday.