(Morning News) Passengers who arrive or leave Malaysia in the future must fill in the customs declaration form.

According to the Star News on Thursday (October 6), Chest Voo, CEO of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Administration, said the letter sent by Royal Malaysian Customs Bureau (RMCD) on September 5It is mentioned that according to Article 103 of the Customs Law in 1967, it is a requirement to apply for Customs No. 7 (K7).This law states that each passenger or other people who arrive or leave Malaysia should declare to customs officials or all taxable or prohibited items in any luggage or any vehicle.

It is reported that the official did not give the reason for this practice that stopped many years ago.

Wu Zhishun said that, according to this, all airlines entering Malaysia were asked to announce this request to all passengers on the plane.CAAM also provides a sample of English and Malay, which was released on the flight before the plane landed in Malaysia.

The English version says: "Every passenger who arrives must declare all the taxable and prohibited goods they own, and the total amount of more than $ 10,000 (about S $ 14,216)Tools. This application should be used to use Customs No. 7 and submitted it at the Royal Customs Bureau (RMCD) checkpoint. Form No. 7 of customs can be obtained at the RMCD counter. According to Malaysian law, any false declaration or declaration is a crime.Behavior. "

However, it is unclear whether each passenger must fill in this form, or only those who carry taxable goods or more than $ 10,000 need to fill in.

Before this instruction takes effect immediately, all passengers only need to verbally apply for taxable goods, prohibited items or any amount of more than 10,000 US dollars to customs officials.Some passengers are also picked out for spot checks.