The US Department of Justice announced that a federal jury in Chicago judged a Chinese citizen and a former US Army reserve personnel on September 26 as a Chinese agent to act illegally in the United States, collecting and mastering aerospace technology, artificial intelligence, and even evenInformation about American scientists and engineers with valuable knowledge of aircraft carriers.

According to Voice of the United States, the press release of the US Department of Justice wrote that a 31 -year -old Chinese citizen Ji Chaoquan (transliteration) who lived in Chicago was sentenced to a criminal.The crime of conspiracy to act as an agent of the Chinese government; a crime of being a Chinese agent without reporting to the Ministry of Justice; and a major false statement to the US Army.The jury sentence was not guilty of the two electrical exchange fraud against Ji Chaoqun's prosecution.

In the United States, the maximum conviction as an unregistered Chinese agent can be sentenced to ten years of imprisonment, and each of the convictions of conspiracy and false statements can be sentenced to five years in prison.US judges did not immediately determine the date of verdict.

The evidence provided in the two weeks of trials in the U.S. District Court of Chicago showed that Ji Chaoqun worked under the guidance of senior intelligence officials of the Ministry of National Security in Jiangsu Province.He was ordered by Xu Yanjun, deputy director of the Ministry of National Security, provided information from an intelligence official for some personal information to recruit the Ministry of National Security of Jiangsu Province.These people include Chinese people as engineers and scientists in the United States, and some of them work in US defense contractors.This task is part of the efforts of advanced aerospace and satellite technology developed by the Ministry of National Security of Jiangsu Province by the US company.Xu Yanjun was sentenced to conspiring and attempting to carry out economic spy activities and theft of commercial secrets in the southern district of Ohio last year.

In 2016, Ji Chaoqun enrolled in the United States Army's reserve through the scarce talent recruitment plan.When he applied for a scarce talent plan, he lied that he had not contacted the foreign government in the past seven years.In a subsequent interview with an American Army officer, he did not disclose his relationship and connection with a foreign intelligence official.

The allegations of Ji Chaoqun said that he was stared at by the Ministry of National Security's agent in China in 2013 before he came to the Electronic Engineering major in Yizhou Institute of Technology in Chicago in 2013.After returning to China in the winter vacation, Ji Chaoqun was invited by the staff of the Ministry of Security of Jiangsu Province to eat, and finally got a unique contract. He swore to loyal to the cause of the Ministry of Security and agreed to "dedicate the rest of his life to national security."

Ji Chaoqun's unsigned contract photos were later discovered on his mobile phone.Prosecutor said that Ji Chaoqun also took photos of the US $ 6,000 (S $ 8639) cash given by the Ministry of National Security, which was used to pay for his living expenses in the United States.

U.S. Assistant Prosecutor Barry Jonas said in a summary of the jury last week that Ji Chaoqun returned to Chicago five days later and immediately contacted a study of Aerospace at the University of George Washington University.friend.Ji Chaoqun sent a contract and cash photo to his friends, and proposed that if a friend helped him find the clues that the Ministry of Security wanted, he could share some of his "operating costs".

In the end, Ji Chao group collected the background report of eight U.S. citizens. They were born in Taiwan or mainland China to engage in the science and technology industry. Among themNational defense contractor work.

According to Jonas, Ji Chaoqun sent these reports back to personnel in the Chinese Ministry of Security in the form of compressed attachments. The attachment was marked as a "mid -term examination problem set".

After graduating from Yizhou Institute of Technology in 2015, Ji Chaoqun entered the US Army for reserve the following year.Prosecutors accused Ji Chaoqun in the military background investigation that he had a connection with Chinese intelligence officials, but the jury found that he was innocent in these two charges.

The jury determined that he provided false answers on a government background form, asking him if he had any contact with foreign intelligence agencies including the Ministry of National Security.