(Morning News) South Korean President Yin Xiyue on his visit to the United States Rumors of rumors If the facts that do not match the facts that destroying the alliance relationship may cause the people to fall into dangerous situation.

Yonhap reported that Yin Xiyue said in an interview with the media on the way to work on Monday (September 26) that the truth should be further found on the situation at the time.

Yin Xiyue also emphasized that except for two or three world -strong powers, other countries cannot completely protect the lives of their lives with their own strength.It is important.

There is a perspective that Yin Xiyue's speech on the 26th hinted that the report on his rude speech did not meet the facts, and it had a negative impact on the relationship between the Han and American alliance. It was necessary to find out the truth.

When Yin Xiyue attended the Global Foundation in New York, USA on September 21, he held a brief talk with US President Biden Biden.Yin Xiyue said a word to the officials around him when he left the scene, and he didn't realize that the microphone was open.This recording was quickly spread to the online social platform, causing huge controversy.

When the news was spread out, Yin Xiyue's speech was accused of being aimed at the U.S. Congress and Biden. The South Korean Presidential Office later responded that Yin Xiyue's speech was not aimed at the US Congress, but for the South Korean Parliament.Mentioned Biden.