(Washington News) As Sino -US relations are tense, the American Intelligence Security Corporation reports that the Chinese government has recruited at least 162 Chinese scientists who have worked in the Chinese Laboratory of Los Alamos National Labora in the United States.National Security threatened.

Voice of America quotes the report released by the American Intelligence Security Corporation "Strider Technology" last Thursday (September 22) stating that the 162 people have been the Chinese government in the past 30 years to promote China's national defense technology projectAmong them, at least 59 scientists were selected as the "Thousand Talents Plan" in China ’s flagship talent recruitment plan.

The report said that during the work of Los Alamos, which was set up under the US Department of Energy, these scientists sponsored visiting scholars and postdoctoral researchers from China and obtained the US government's funding for sensitive research; at least one of them had contact with the Department of Energy's contactLimited limited data and national security information.

Report quoting the reporter Greg Levesque, the author, said that some scientists participated in the promotion of China's key military and military and civilian dual -use technologies.The degree of advancement in key areas such as submarine noise reduction is "shocking" and said that these projects bring a series of security risks to the United States and the entire free world.

The US Department of Energy did not respond directly to the report, but a statement issued last Thursday stating that in order to cope with increasing research security threats, major measures have been adopted in recent years, including adopting strict review, counter information review and restrictions on participating in foreign countries to participate in foreign countriesTalent project.