After China announced the identity of a network attack on Northwest China University of Technology earlier, on Tuesday (September 27), it was said that when the U.S. National Security Administration's specific invasion operation office launched a network attack.Approval of sensitive status in China.

China National Computer Virus Emergency Treatment Center publishes an investigation report on the website on Tuesday to refer to the specific business system of the specific invasion action office (TAO), implement user data theft, and query a group of sensitive status in China.After packing and encryption of user information and encrypted, it is passed back to the headquarters of the National Security Agency by multi -level springboard.The report does not provide more information about people with sensitive identities.

TAO is accused of infiltrating the core equipment of China's infrastructure and stealing user privacy data.The National Computer Virus Emergency treatment Center also said in the report that the research team has successfully identified the true identity of 13 attackers, but does not provide more information about the attacker.

China National Computer Virus Emergency Treatment Center also said earlier this month that TAO has implemented tens of thousands of malicious network attacks on China ’s network goals in recent years.Equipment, stealing high value data of more than 140GB.

China Global Times quoted the relevant departments on the 22nd that TAO's infrastructure infrastructure control control in China during the launch of a network attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University.