(Morning News) US Secretary of State Brills said that when European and Russia is in the same energy supply problem, any deliberate destruction of Beixi natural gas pipelines "does not conform to the interests of anyone else's interests."" ".

Reuters reports that West has adopted a series of sanctions on Russia due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and Russia responded to reducing the supply of natural gas in Europe.Beixi natural gas pipelines have leaked pollution problems, and Moscow and Western European countries have expressed concerns.

Brinken said on Tuesday (September 27) at a press conference held with Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng: "Preliminary reports show that this may be a Destroyed , but this is just a preliminary report, we have not confirmed this. But if it is true, it is obviously not in the interests of anyone."Said, according to his understanding, Beixi natural gas pipeline leak incident will not have a significant impact on the toughness of European energy systems, and reiterates that Washington is trying to help Europe resolves EuropeShort -term and long -term energy security issues.

In addition, the White House of the United States said that the US government is preparing to support European partners to investigate the leakage of Beixi natural gas pipelines.