(Morning News) According to a research report released on Tuesday (September 27), the Omikon variant virus has set off a new wave of crown disease epidemic in Japan.The level of immunity has nearly 90%, although this high level of protection may weaken after a few months.

Reuters reports that when most people in a community are immune to a infectious disease, they are the so -called group immunity, and the level of group immunity will reflect the natural infection or vaccination providedLocal protection.

Researchers have found that most residents in Tokyo, Osaka and Okinawa are mainly immune to natural infections, because the number of confirmed cases in these areas is high.It reached its peak.

Japan has begun to distribute the vaccine added specifically for Omikon's variable strains last week.According to government data, about 65%of Japan's population has inoculated at least one dose of crown vaccine additional agent, and the proportion of the United States is only about 33%.

Researchers said in the report that Japan's current specification of the interval between the additional inoculation and pursuit is five months.However, the five -month interval may be too long for the elderly and vulnerable groups, because according to forecasts, Japan will have the eighth wave of epidemic at the end of the year.