
(Morning News) After Russia resumed crude oil to Ukraine, oil prices began to fall, slow inflation, and the European energy crisis was temporarily panting.

Anton Molnar, a spokesman for the Slovaks Refining Plant "SlovNaft", said on the evening of Wednesday (August 10) that "crude oil has reached Slovakia, Hungarian,Supply is expected to recover the next day. "

Tas Society quoted the Russian National Pipeline Petroleum Petroleum Corporation on the same day that Ukraine has confirmed that the Russian transit Ukrainian territory transports oil to Hungary and Slovakia.

Earlier, Ukraine had banned Russia from transit the "friendship" pipeline of Russia from the "friendship" pipeline of Russia to Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic from August 4.

Because the European Union had financial sanctions on Russia, Transneft was unable to pay the transit fee to Ukraine, and Ukraine stopped oil transportation services on the grounds that the transit fee was not received.Transneft said that Ukradon stopped oil transportation because of "not receiving the funds of these services".

In order to obtain Russian oil as soon as possible, restart the crude oil transport flow from Russia to Central and Eastern Europe as soon as possible.The Hungarian Oil and Gas Group (MOL) company resumed negotiations with Russia and Ukraine through the "friendship" pipeline oil transportation.

MOL pointed out after paying the transit fee on its own, "Through payment, MOL companies can quickly solve the problem, and Ukraine promises that transportation will be recovered within a few days."