(Washington News) The United States has accused China's largest wires and cable manufacturers Far East cable to assist ZTE exports American technology to Iran and violates the US export control order.

According to the Wall Street Journal of the United States, the Ministry of Commerce is responsible for export control affairs.A communication signing an agreement tried to cover up ZTE's business in Iran.

Industry and Security Bureau said that ZTE and Iran's telecommunications companies signed an agreement in 2013 and 2014 to allow Far East Cable to provide US -originating equipment to Customer Enterprises in Iran, including routers and microThe processor, while covering the role of ZTE in the transaction.This arrangement lasted until early 2016.

Industry and Security Bureau also pointed out that the Far East Cable acting as a middleman in ZTE and Iranian companies during this period, that is, posing as a substitute company for another company to assist ZTE and Iranian companies avoid the US export control orders.

During the operation of the Far East Cable, the US Department of Commerce was investigating the case of ZTE's violation of US export control orders.ZTE reached a series of reconciliation with the US Federal Prosecutor and the Ministry of Commerce in 2017, and acknowledged violation of the US export control order and sanctions on Iran.At that time, ZTE paid a criminal and administrative fine of nearly $ 1.2 billion (S $ 1.65 billion).

The Far East Cable did not respond to the comments request immediately.The US Department of Commerce responded to relevant allegations to the Far East cable 30 days.