The China Trade Council and the China International Chamber of Commerce issued a statement on Wednesday (August 10) that the US chip and science bill will exacerbate global geopolitical competition in the semiconductor industry, hindering the global economic recovery and innovative growth, and the trade promotion and chamber of commerce oppose opposition.The United States has obstructed the normal exchanges and cooperation of the global industrial and commercial community through national strength, and has launched unfair competition on the basis of discrimination against other countries.

According to a statement issued by the China Trade Council's website, the chapters of the "2022 Chip Act" in the US chip and science bill stipulate that it will provide huge subsidies to the US local chip industry, and provide investment tax for semiconductor and equipment manufacturing.A series of measures such as offering to encourage companies to build factories in the United States.These clauses are discriminated against some foreign companies, highlighting the use of government power to forcibly change the international division of labor in the semiconductor field, which harms the interests of companies from all over the world, including Sino -US enterprises.

Statement says that on the one hand, this is a typical specific industrial subsidy, which does not meet the non -discrimination principles of the WTO; on the other hand, the bill has determined some countries as a focus on and cracking down on the target, leading to enterprisesForced to adjust the global development strategy and layout.In particular, the bill defines broadly about "any country that attracts attention", and infinitely expands the free decline of law enforcement. It has typical pan -political colors. The uncertainty of the operational activities of enterprises in various countries has greatly increased.In addition, the bill "Research and Innovation" chapter stipulates that a series of measures must be adopted to ensure that technology developed based on the "Made in the United States" project in the United States should be produced in the United States.These regulations not only limit the fair participation of global competition in some countries, but also have a negative impact on global economic recovery and innovative growth.The global business community hopes to strengthen exchanges and cooperation.

The China Trade Council and the China International Chamber of Commerce expressed resolute opposition, and called on the global industrial and commercial community to deal with it to eliminate the adverse effects of the bill on the industrial and commercial community.

The US Congress voted for a chip and science bill with a total amount of US $ 280 billion (S $ 386.6 billion), and the president Biden signed an effect.According to the bill, the U.S. government will provide local chip manufacturers with $ 52 billion subsidies and $ 24 billion in tax incentives, and will allocate about 200 billion yuan to support relevant innovation, training and research and development in the next five years to enhance their ability to compete with China.