(Phnom Penh Comprehensive) Asia Jiajian decided to continue to exclude the Myanmar military government leader outside the Asian Security Conference, until the military government made specific progress in promoting national peace plans.

The Special Envoy of Burukun, the Special Environment of Ayan, announced on Saturday (August 6) at the press conference that Yajia'an's decision was announced.Blasoto is the chairman of the Cambodian Foreign Minister and the chairman of the 55th Asian Foreign Minister's Meeting and Series Conference.The current Asian Simpage Foreign Minister's meeting held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia has closed on the 5th.

Blaso Kun said that in order to allow Ya'an to change the decision not to invite Min Angle to attend all the meetings of Ayanan, the Myanmar Military Government "must take a clear action so that we can see that Myanmar's peace processes have made progress."He also admits that he has not seen any party in Myanmar's civil war to end the battle. The key is lack of mutual trust.

Special envoy: I am not a superman and superman, and I cannot solve the Myanmar problem

Myanmar soldiers launched a coup on February 1 last year. After overthrowing the election government to seize power, anti -political change demonstrations generally occurred throughout the country, and the military was targeted by force.In April of last year, Yaxian reached a five -point consensus on the situation in Myanmar on the situation in Myanmar, including stopping violence, constructive dialogue with all parties in Myanmar, appointing a Yajian Special Envoy to promote dialogue, humanitarian rescue, and allowed Ayan to visit and Myanmar.However, the Burmese government has not been able to implement these consensus, the conflict between bloods continues, and diplomatic efforts have fallen into stagnation.

Blazoskun, who had twice to the Myanmar military coup after the Myanmar military coup, admitted that the problem of Myanmar issues could be difficult to make significant progress in the short term."I'm just a special envoy, not Superman ... I think even Superman cannot solve the Myanmar problem ... One or two meetings cannot solve the problem. The negotiations take several years ... The special envoy went to Myanmar twice, and some people started to lose.Patience, ask for results. "

He revealed that he might visit and Myanmar for the third time next month, but it depends on the progress of the five -point consensus and whether the military government continues to execute political prisoners."I said clearly that if more execution is performed, we will re -consider it." The Myanmar military government recently came forward to the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen in person and executed four objections.

The joint bulletin issued by the 55th Asian Foreign Minister Meeting and the Series Meeting on Friday pointed out that the Myanmar government has made limited progress and lack of promises in time and complete the five consensus in time, which disappoints the Asian'an countries.Therefore, they suggested that at the Asian Summer Summit in November this year, the Myanmar National Management Commission implemented the progress of five points of consensus to consider the next decision -making.

Malaysia, who took the lead in the internal request for Burma, said that if the implementation of the consensus before the Fine Summit at the end of the year has not yet been implemented, Myanmar may be temporarily revoked in the qualifications of the Asian member state.The joint communiqué also required the Burmese military government to visit "all relevant persons" during the visit of Blasot Kun, including Weng Shan Shuzhi, the leader of the former government leader who is still imprisoned and prohibited from the outside world.