Taiwan Lai Qingde said in an exclusive interview with television media that mainland China must "swallow" Taiwan is not actually for the integrity of the territory. The real purpose is to "want to change the rules -based world order" to achieve hegemony.Interviewed scholars analyzed that Lai Qingde hopes to fight for the international democratic camp to jointly resist Beijing; and the mainland will further promote the "domestic country" in Taiwan.

Lai Qingde went to Golden Gate on August 23 to host the first 823rd artillery warrior mourning ceremony after presiding in power.It is not because of which one and which party, but to change the international order based on the rules in the Western Pacific, or even in the world.

This remark triggered Beijing's criticism of Lai Qingde. Zhu Fenglian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the Mainland, pointed out that "Lai Qingde's officially tried to render the so -called 'Chinese threat'", and once again exposed the "big fight in peace with the guise of peace. 'The essence of independent '' leaning for independence '. "

Lai Qingde Sunday (September 1) In the interview with the World program in Taiwan's Journal of Taiwan, he further explained this discussion.

He first reiterated that "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China did not belong to each other at all", and emphasized that "the Republic of China has taken root in Taiwan in Taiwan.Open branches and leaves around the world. "

He said that the democratic and free lifestyle that the people in Taiwan want to have, the mainland cannot be regarded as challenging it.Lai Qingde also believes that Beijing does not want to "invade Taiwan" because of territorial relations. The real purpose is to "want to change the world order based on rules" and want to achieve hegemony internationally.

Lai Qingde also mentioned that of course he hopes that the two sides of the strait can develop peacefully, and the Taiwan government is also responsible for ensuring the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, but the method is right, and what to do now is a thick power.

He also said that he was the president and commander of the three armed forces. "The first mission is to ensure the survival and development of the country.The 92 consensus of the principle, because once the 1992 consensus is accepted, the principle of China is equivalent to transferring the sovereignty of Taiwan.

From 1996 to 2000, with the new party party membership and Lai Qingde during the same period, the Taiwan Politburo International Research Center, a researcher at the Taiwan Politburo of the Taiwan National Assembly, said in an interview with the United Morning Post that due to the disparity between the two sides of the strait, Lai Qingde must be the same asCross -strait issues are international and global, and strive for democratic countries to compete together.

But he judged that this will inevitably allow Beijing to strengthen the advancement of "22 punishment".In late June this year, Beijing announced its opinions on punishing the stubborn molecules of Taiwan independence and the state of crime of split national crimes in accordance with the law.death penalty.This opinion is commonly known as "22 punishment".

Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of the China Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, who is closely related to the Green Camp, analyzed that the next confrontation point on both sides of the strait will fall into the right of interpretation of the status quo of the Taiwan Strait. Beijing will inevitably promote the international Taiwan issue."And" de -internationalization "define the Taiwan issue as the domestic government of the People's Republic of China, which belongs to domestic jurisdiction.

On the other hand, Wu Zhaozheng, Secretary -General of the National Security Council of Taiwan, Lin Jialong, Foreign Minister Lin Jialong, and DPP Secretary -General Lin Youchang recently visited the United States one after another to calm the "suspicion" in the United States.Central South America also transit the United States.

In this regard, Lai Qingde said in an exclusive interview that there is no plan to visit.He also emphasized that in the past eight years, there was a good communication channel between Taiwan and the United States. After he took office, he had to help the help of Xiao Meiqin, the bridge of Taiwan and the United States, and the United States was very clear about the policy direction of Taiwan's policy.

Wang Zhisheng analyzed that Washington is currently at the stage of accumulating mutual trust with Taipei, and considering the complexity of the US election. The Bayeng government is trying to ease US -China relations. Therefore, the arrangement of Lai Qingde's transit the United States may need to go through more discussions.