Taiwan's new traffic minister Chen Shikai said that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over that Taiwan has handed over to Taiwan.Olive branches, I hope that mainland China can also open group customers to travel to Taiwan as soon as possible.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times United Daily reported that the Ministry of Communications held on Monday (September 2) of the Ministry of Communications held a minister transfer ceremony.Minister Chen Shikai.

Chen Shikai said that during his tenure in the Executive Yuan, he accompanied the dean Zhuo Rongtai to inspect and investigate the disaster. He was also responsible for the coordination of the Ministry of Coordination and the meeting to be familiar with the business of the Ministry of Communications.He hopes that under the professional advice of colleagues of the Ministry of Communications, the next time he stands on the handover ceremony, he can count the policies of Futai Limin.

Chen Shikai said in a media interview after taking office that the number of passengers from Taiwan to mainland China has 1.58 million, but the number of tourism tourism from mainland China to Taiwan is only 220,000.The current situation is that Taiwan has handed over olive branches, so it is called on mainland China to open Luke to Taiwan for sightseeing and tourism, whether it is a group customer or free travel.

Chen Shikai said that Taiwan's tourism industry is actually ready. I hope that mainland China can be open quickly, and I hope that there will be more exchanges on both sides of tourism on both sides of the strait.Taiwan will also work harder to invite tourists in mainland China to Taiwan.

As for whether the tourists in Taiwan will reach 1.58 million to Taiwan to terminate the ban, Chen Shikai said that these policies are rolled at any time and reported to the outside world when there is progress.

Regarding the outside world questioning that he had no traffic background, Chen Shikai said that some of the past traffic ministers had no traffic background.The business scope of the Ministry of Communications is large. Understanding the track does not necessarily understand air transportation, air transport does not necessarily understand sea transportation, and sea transportation does not necessarily understand the weather. The most critical ability of the ministry's head of the ministry is communication, coordination and leadership capabilities. In the future, we are welcome to give advice and comment.