A research institute of Xiamen University in Mainland China stated that as the US Republican presidential candidate Trump came to power, the possibility of coming to power, and the timetable for the unified Taiwan in mainland China may be advanced at any time, calling on the official as soon as possible as soon as possible as soon as possibleStart the preparation for "fully take over Taiwan".The article has been removed after publishing.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan Lianhe Daily reports, and other reports, the Institute of Cross -Strait Cross -Strait Urban Planning of Xiamen University issued an article on August 5th to start the preparations for Taiwan to take over as soon as possible.Without a good plan, it will bring very serious consequences to the smooth transfer of future social order.

The article pointed out that there is no "50 -year -old" problem in Taiwan. Once the mainland takes over Taiwan, the depth and breadth are greater than Hong Kong in 1997."" ".

The article immediately put forward two suggestions: set up the Central Taiwan Working Committee as soon as possible, and establish a Taiwan governance pilot zone as soon as possible.

The article explains that the only goal of the Central Taiwan Working Committee is to receive the Taiwan regime at any time as the "shadow government".However, as a economically more developed economy, many issues that need to be dealt with are issues that are "few in the mainland or even not encountered". Therefore, they need to be familiar with Taiwan's current system, law and system as soon as possible.

The article also recommends that relevant departments of the Central Taiwan Working Committee use personal consultation and project commission to allow Taiwan elites and institutions to participate in the design of Taiwan's receiving plan as much as possible.More plans, Taiwan will also form stable expectations and psychological preparations.

In terms of establishing a Taiwan governance pilot zone as soon as possible, the article states that Hong Kong's recent turbulence shows that the practice of one country and two systems and the existing system is not necessarily suitable for Taiwan.Essence

The article said that in order to test the effects of the policy in advance, to train cadres who take over the regime, it is necessary to set up a highly simulated physical environment and comprehensive management model after a unified Taiwan after the unified Taiwan.The article recommends that the "Taiwan Governance Pilot Zone" can be selected in Xiang'an District and Quanzhou Nan'an City, Xiamen, which borders Golden Gate.Especially due to the close existence of Jinxia, ​​the experimental area is most conducive to copying and imitating the current administrative system of Taiwan.

The article pointed out that cadres who have separated from the mainland for many years have been leaving the mainland for many years.The article recommends that the test area can "introduce the retired military and public education staff" to assist in formulating the policy details of taking over, and shortening the most risk transition period of the regime switching.

Reported that the above article was removed after being issued, but the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) has translated the article into English and published on the official website. At present, this article can still be on the official website.Found on the individual public account of WeChat.