Taiwan and Japan's sea cruisers conducted joint training for the first time, causing Beijing to dissatisfy.Mainland China stated that he resolutely opposed it and had proposed to the Japanese side with a serious negotiation.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China Lin Jian on Friday (July 19) said at a regular press conference that the Japanese side had made a solemn commitment to the land on the Taiwan issue, including not engaged in "not engaged in" not engaged in ""The two China "or" one middle and one "does not support" Taiwan independence ". This is the position and principle that Japan must follow.

Lin Jian also said: "We urge the Japanese side to abide by the spirit of a Chinese principle and the spirit of the four political documents of China and Japan, and immediately correct the mistakes.(China) Be careful on the sea issue.(July 18) On the southern waters of the Peninsula of Chiba Prefecture, Japan, the first day of joint training was conducted.

It is reported that in the context of strengthening marine expansion in mainland China, Japan seems to want to strengthen cooperation with neighboring countries and regions.However, in order to worry about the reaction of mainland China, Japanese officials did not disclose the joint training information.