It has been reported that the Kuomintang in Taiwan has re -lay off the Northern Kuomintang in August. The Kuomintang spokesman Yang Zhizheng responded on Wednesday (July 17)."Will" start reform and reconstruction in May this year, making the organization's operation more efficient.

Comprehensive network media "Today News" and new head shell news, some media reports that the Kuomintang in May this year, due to insufficient funding, greatly streamlined two -thirds of the "National Political Foundation" personnel.It is reported on Wednesday that it will be layoffs from August. Researchers in various fields will shrink only one left. The Kuomintang think tank will adopt outsourcing model in the future to select important social issues and cooperate with friendly blue scholars.

The Kuomintang spokesman Yang Zhizhen responded on Wednesday evening that in order to respond to the new political bureau and promote the new model of organizational innovation and transformation and operation, the Foundation began to start reform and reconstruction in May this year.Experts and scholars in external related fields, for the medium- and long -term issues and instant issues that the public cares about, in order to propose legislative suggestions or future reforms for external reference, while taking into account the needs of organizational streamlined and elastic, so that the organization operation is moreefficiency.

Yang Zhizhen emphasized that the reform case was approved by the board of directors of the foundation of the Foundation, and the whole process was completed in accordance with the Labor Law and the Think Tank colleagues.The transformation of conference affairs smoothly operates normally.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun confirmed that in April this year, the Blue Camp will streamline the two -thirds of the hands of the Think Tank's "National Political Foundation" because of insufficient funds.