In April, the Taiwan Hualien earthquake was severely created by Taroko Park, and the slightly affected attractions were expected to be open at the end of this year.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Liberty Times reported that the Minister of Interior Liu Shifang introduced on Thursday (July 18) that about NT $ 32.28 million (S $ 123.55 million) will be injected.Promote the post -disaster recovery plan of Taroko Park.

The slightly affected Tianxiang, Taroko Pavilion, Changchun Temple and other scenic spots are preferred. It is expected to be open at the end of the year. The goal is to be fully opened at the end of next year.The severe sand cards and swallow mouths are expected to be rebuilt for seven years.

Taroko Park is seriously created in the Hualien earthquake, and it is still sealed.The earthquake died 18 people and injured more than 1,100 people.