Japanese media reported that the Japanese government analyzed the PLA's military exercise last year that the Chinese military can log in within one week after implementing the sea blockade of Taiwan.

The English Newspaper, a subsidiary of Japan, reported that the Japanese government reported on Thursday (July 18) that the Japanese government had previously estimated that Mainland China PLA's military committed to Taiwan, which would take one month to log in.The mainland military is conceiving that the U.S. military and other troops have not yet responded to the attack on Taiwan, and carried out extremely short -lived military operations.The mainland's move has gradually increased the concerns of Japan's official table.

The Japanese government analyzed a monthly military exercise based on a monthly military exercise carried out by the mainland military last summer.Military exercise projects include the drills of warships and other equipment, and conduct missile tests in different places in the mainland and neighboring waters.

A senior Japanese government official revealed that the analysis found that if the mainland military units conducted parallel operations, the mainland ground forces could log in within a few days after the implementation of sea and air blockade in Taiwan.

The order of the mainland's attack platform is expected to start at sea blockade by the naval ship, and then attack the Taiwan military facilities, followed by landing ships and transport helicopters into troops to grab beaches and build beaches.Ship and large private cargo ships are put into ground troops and tanks for ground operations.

The Taiwan military's counterattack with the US military will make this military operation difficult, so the mainland military intends to control Taiwan before the US military's main involvement.The mainland may also try to conduct network attacks through mixed warfare, that is, combining armed attacks and network attacks on important infrastructure to delay the intervention of the U.S. military and other troops.