Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, said that after the assassination of the US Republican presidential candidate Trump, the political leaders of the party camps called on internal unity., By attack instead of defense and constantly create conflicts.

Zhu Lilun posted on Facebook on Wednesday (July 17) that the incident of Trump's shooting last week shocked the world.I hope everyone can conduct democratic elections through the peaceful and stable way.

Zhu Lilun said that the political leaders of the party camps in the United States emphasized that they must unite after the incident and use peaceful means to fight for democracy."However, in Taiwan, we have seen that Lai Qingde has been in office in the past two months, and continued to struggle on both sides of the strait and the wild party to replace defense with attacks."

He also revealed that the Kuomintang sent off the deputy secretary Tross Jiang, Tastan JiangFive representatives such as Jun Ting and Deputy CEO Ling Tao participated in the National Congress of the United States Republican Party to increase Taiwan -US relations.Next month, the Democratic Party's National Congress will be held in Chicago, and the Kuomintang will also send representatives to participate.

The first session of the 11th Legislative Yuan in Taiwan ended on Tuesday (July 16), and Zhu Lilun said that under the leadership of the Legislative President Han Yu, the general call of the Kuomintang party group, the secretary of the secretary, and all 54 positions of all 54 positionsIn the most difficult situation, the commission completed the meeting period and passed a total of 55 bills and bills.

He said that the Kuomintang suffered various attacks, discreditation and redness in the process of negotiating with the DPP.The Kuomintang hopes to open the group to travel to mainland China in order to promote the Taiwan industry and reduce the malicious malice on both sides of the strait.

Zhu Lilun accused that the DPP is based on ideology and completely fights against attacks. This is very unfavorable to Taiwan and must change.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan, under the advantage of the number of people in the blue and white camp on Tuesday, has dismissed the decision of the forbidden group to travel to mainland China.The Democratic Progressive Party said that the Kuomintang did not face the safety of the Kuomintang to travel to land in land.