For the Kuomintang legislators Xu Qiaoxin broke the news earlier, the driving recorder installed by many Taiwan military generals was all mainland China.Taiwan tank recorder.

Comprehensive United Daily News, Wind Media, and NOWNEWS today reported that the Taiwan National Defense Minister Gu Lixiong led the officers of the Ministry of National Defense to report to the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (July 10) and prepare for inquiries.

Xu Qiaoxin said in an inquiry on Wednesday that the software and hardware used by the official organs are prohibited from using mainland products, but recently including driving recorders, inverters, routers, etc., many of them are made of mainland.Xu Qiaoxin also showed a label on the driving recorder on the driving recorder, and said that it was only 310 yuan (NT $ 310, the same, S $ 12.83) on Taobao.The driving recorder was about 2,000 yuan, questioning whether the Taiwan army was pitted by the manufacturer.

Liu Qingxun, Chief of Staff of the Army Logistics Command, responded that last Friday (July 5th) was based on the Ministry of National Defense.Essence

Lu Jianzhong, the secondary length of the Ministry of Defense, said that there are currently more than 800 driving recorders that have been removed, and the rest, including the internal interior driving recorder, are still under investigation.

On the other hand, Xu Qiaoxin also questioned that in 2021, the manufacturer of the labeling recorder of the Army Logistics Command was listed as a refusal to the public procurement blacklist in April of the same year, but it was inOn the same day, he signed a contract with the Ministry of Lu Qin.

Gu Lixiong responded that the current bidding should be banned from mainland products. Faced with Xu Qiaoxin's requirements, Gu Lixiong promised to comprehensively check the relevant cases and when to modify the procurement regulations;Complete all inspections within two weeks.