Taiwan ’s representative of the United States, Yu Da? He was accused of floating accounts, abuse of 8 million (NT $, below, about S $ 330,000) public funds to purchase luxury furniture.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan formulated the "Principles of the Purchase of Miscellaneous Equipment for Miscellaneous Equipment in the Foreign Pavilion", of which the total order price of more than 300,000 yuan was more than 1 million yuan, which was approved by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or authorized by the authority authorized.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Tuesday (July 9) that the above principles have been reported on July 3 to report to the foreign pavilions, and it will take effect immediately.

Comprehensive Newtalk News, Taiwan Youth Daily and the Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Foreign Affairs Department held a regular press conference on the same day.Last time, it was required to provide relevant reports in the United States. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has received preliminary reports, but because some facts are still clarifying with the representative office of the United States, it has not been provided to legislators.

Liu Yongjian also said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will formulate the "principle of purchase fees for the purchase fee for miscellaneous equipment in the foreign hall", set up eight principles, and establish mechanisms such as layered approval and price comparison.EssenceAmong them, the "miscellaneous equipment purchase fee" is a miscellaneous equipment that needs to be used for newly purchased or replaced the houses or dormitory for dormitories for more than two years and the unit price exceeds 10,000 yuan.The demand must be attached to the three manufacturers' quotation in advance.

The above principles emphasize that the unit price of equipment procurement in the future is less than 100,000 yuan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretariat will be ruling and judged;Either the director of the director's secretary; the unit price is more than 300,000 yuan, or the amount of the total purchase of more than 1 million yuan will be approved by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or authorized by the regional division after the meeting.

Liu Yongjian said that the "use principle" has been notified to all the places in the foreign hall on July 3, and it will take effect immediately.

Yu Da? It was exploded and involved in the account of the floating report, causing social discussions in Taiwan.According to the Taiwan media on Wednesday (3rd), a person in the diplomatic system said that Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong has instructed the principle of the purchase fee for the purchase fee of miscellaneous equipment in the foreign museum, which will be included in the price comparison mechanism and layered approval to make the procurement specification more clear and rigorous.Concerning the Du Du.