The results of the investigation of Taiwan trade barriers in mainland China will be released as soon as Thursday (October 12) as soon as possible. Taiwanese scholars have judged that the land side will not comprehensively stop the Straits Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA)."In the form of selecting early collection lists, countermeasures that have a greater impact on Taiwan take countermeasures.

The Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland announced on April 12 that a trade barriers were conducted on Taiwan's 2455 products involved in the restrictions on land trade.The results of the survey will be released as soon as October 12, but the condition can be extended to January 12 next year.

Lushu Ting, deputy director and spokesman of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce, mentioned on August 17, explaining the progress of trade barriers on August 17 that the ECFA tariffs on Taiwan will be terminated in accordance with relevant regulations.Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of the Mainland, also made it clear on September 22 that the competent authorities support the study of tariffs on the suspension of or partially suspending ECFA to give Taiwan products.

The former deputy secretary -general of the National Security Conference of Ma Ying -jeou and the deputy chairman of the mainland committee, a Taiwanese scholar, was Gao Chang. When he attended the seminar on Friday (October 6), he was asked by the media how to study the measures that Beijing might take.

He said that Taiwan does ban some of mainland products from importing, so the first stage of investigation will definitely have results.As for how big it is covered, he cannot estimate.

Gao Chang believes that the land side should not stop ECFA, but it is likely to be executed in a "cut sausage" manner.

He said that ECFA's early collection list contains hundreds of products, and the mainland may choose several of them that have a feeling of harm to Taiwan, the least harm to the mainland, or no harm.System measures.

But Gao Chang believes that after the announcement, there will be a buffer period. If Taiwan responds and opens the list, maybe the mainland will not take counter -control measures.

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland, the 2455 products surveyed this time accounted for the largest proportion of agricultural and sideline products, with a total of 1066, accounting for 43.42%.

Secondly, tortual products including minerals, chemicals, stone, ceramics, glass, and expensive metals, a total of 648 items, accounting for 26.4%; third, it is textile products, accounting for 16.95%;Fourth, it is a mechanical motor product, accounting for 5.66%.

Zhang Wuyue, director of the Taiwan Tamkang University Research Center, who attended the same seminar, also mentioned in the interview that Beijing was unlikely to suspend ECFA because this represents the comprehensive detachable chain of cross -strait economic industries.

Because Taiwan products currently included in the ECFA early collection list, they do not need to be targeted by clasThe impact of the prohibition will have a greater impact on Taiwan's machinery and petrochemical industry.

As for the time of the results of the survey results, Zhang Wuyue believes that from October 12th and January 12 next year, "Beijing will choose an appropriate time according to their process."

He also mentioned that Beijing should use this to show the leading rights and initiative of cross -strait relations, and also achieved the effect of internal explanation and announcement. As for how to respond within Taiwan, it is not the focus of Beijing's decision -making.

According to the United Daily report, in response to the investigation of trade barriers in Taiwan, Taiwan Economic Minister Wang Meihua said frankly on Wednesday (4th) in the Legislative Yuan that cross -strait trade barriers have always existed.After joining the World Trade Organization (WTO), Taiwan has also made some openness, but there are still more than 2,000 products that have not been opened from the mainland. This problem has been for a long time.

She said that both sides of the strait are members of the WTO, and Taiwan is also willing to negotiate under the WTO structure.However, she questioned that Taiwan will hold a general election in January next year. At this time, Beijing's selection will launch an investigation. It has unique political intentions.