The list of top 100 influential figures (Time100 AI) in the field of AI (artificial intelligence) in the American Times Magazine, Tang Feng, Taiwan Digital Development Minister Tang Feng was selected, Huang Renxun, founder and CEO of NvidiaLiu Yunping, a Taiwanese US Federal Representative, is also on the list.

Comprehensive Times Magazine and Taiwan Central News Agency reported that the list of the top 100 influential characters is divided into four categories, namely Leaders, Innovators, Shapers and thinkers(Thinkers), among which Tang Feng was selected as the creation category, and Huang Renxun was selected as the leader category.

Times articles stated that Tang Feng, as the first minister of the Digital Development Department of Taiwan, has a difficult task.Since taking office in 2022, Tang Feng, a citizen hacker, transformed into a government official, must not only work hard to ensure that Taiwan's digital resiline is also trying to deal with the risks and opportunities brought by AI to Taiwan democracy.

The article pointed out that different from politicians in many places around the world to protect democracy from being negatively affected by AI. Tang Feng is exploring how to use AI to strengthen democracy, especially in AI supervision.

This list also includes many world -renowned figures, such as Musk, founder of artificial intelligence company XAI and electric vehicle company Tesla, and OPENAI CEO of ChatGPT R & D company, Sam Altman, faceBook parent company Meta chief AI scientist Yang Likun, and Baidu founder Li Yanhong.