The "transit" of Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde's first concludesThe visit to the United States and the relevant remarks of the Bloomberg News Agency, the official media Xinhua News Agency of China on Saturday (August 19), a comment article pointed out that although its careful dressing, performing hard performances, and playing fraud, this western mirror was still broken.The world recognizes its "Taiwan independence" workers "and the true" troublemaker "of the" troublemaker ".sex.

The article said that since Lai Qingde entered politics in the 1990s, he has always promoted "Taiwan independence" and played "pioneer".", Can be calm in power.Since the beginning of this year, the "Wind Wind" mutations: First of all, create a "peace -protecting Taiwan" fake words, want to cover the real label of "anti -China -China", and invest in foreign media, throw out the so -called "four pillars of peace and prosperity".The reason is that he has a more valued "identity" -the 2024 Taiwan election DPP candidate.

The article says that "Taiwan independence" means war, and the people of Taiwan are watched.Looking forward to the "upper position", Lai Qingde knew in his heart that "Taiwan independence" was "box office poison".Lai Qingde was "operating like a tiger", but in a word, it was the word "deception", and the nature of the "Taiwan independence" worker "deep in the soul was difficult to move.

The article mentioned that Lai Qingde accepted an exclusive interview with Bloomberg before his visit to the United States. He was engaged in "political marketing" through foreign media, and pointed out that this interview draft is like "Taiwan independence book".

The article pointed out that first, it depends on "the fact is that Taiwan is an independent country of sovereignty", "cross -strait is not affiliated with each other" and "China wants to swallow Taiwan". This is undoubtedly a naked "Taiwan independence" remark.The history of the Taiwan issue is clear and clear, and Taiwan is a part of the legal director of China.Although the two sides of the strait have not been unified, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided or allowed to be divided. Taiwan is part of the status of Chinese territory that has never changed and it will never be allowed.The evils sold could not stand at all.

The second, Lai Qi refers to "China has provoked the tension between the two sides of the strait" and "China intentionally changes international order based on rules", and also advertises its "responsibility is to maintain the status quo of the Taiwan Strait."The article said that since 2016, the DPP has publicly sold the "theory of the two countries" in an attempt to destroy the fact that the two sides of the strait belong to the same China, and also linked the external forces to "independence" provocation.The realistic threat of the prosperity and development of the region cannot be reversed by any fans.

Third, Lai Da rendered the "Chinese threat", claiming that "the Taiwan Strait issue is an international issue" and "the international red line is the Taiwan Red Line".External forces curb the "value" of Chinese chess pieces, begging for outsiders' "protection" and "support".This old drama that "leaning on the outside world" and the self -reliance has further exposed its dangerous intentions to seek political private interests and seek glory and sell Taiwan's disaster.

The article questioned that Lai Qingde, who was obsessed with power, was intentionally fabricated to build "Taiwan independence" to bully the world, and did not read the interests of the people in Taiwan. Is such politicians credible?

The article finally emphasized that the "Taiwan independence" and the peace and fire of the Taiwan Strait were unavoidable, and they played their own interests with Taiwan compatriots.The current cross -strait relations are facing two major choices of peace and war, prosperity and recession, and two prospects.The article calls on Taiwanese compatriots to polish their eyes, discern and bless, and control their future fate in their own hands.

Lai Qingde visited Paraguay, South America last week, and passed back and forth in New York and San Francisco. After he returned to Taiwan on Friday to end the seven days and six nights, the Eastern Chinese People's Liberation Army organized a joint war in Taiwan on Saturday on Saturday.Police patrol, joint training of military and air forces such as sea and air, saying that this was a serious warning of provocative provocation of the "Taiwan independence" division forces and external forces.

The person in charge of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China criticized Lai Qingde's "transit" to visit the United States on the same day, and referred to Qing De Tian as shameless "leaning on the beauty".