The National Taiwan Office of Mainland China refers to Taiwan's measures to adopt trade restrictions on the mainland, which does not meet the requirements of the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) on promoting the normalization, institutionalization and liberalization of cross -strait economic relations.

According to CCTV News, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council Zhu Fenglian on Friday (August 18) in the form of answering reporters, the latest progress of the Ministry of Commerce announced the investigation of the Taiwan trade barriers.Reports to be suspended or partially suspended to the Taiwan product tariffs under the ECFA item, and made the above response.

According to the actual records provided by the official website of the Ministry of Commerce, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Commerce Shu Jioting on Thursday (17th) at the press conference, the preliminary investigation results of Taiwan trade barriers were announced, referring to Taiwan's trade with mainland ChinaRestrictions are suspected of violating the rules of the WTO's principles of non -discrimination and the principle of universal cancellation quantity restrictions.

Shu Jiting said: "The mainland has expressed their attention in the past and previously reviewed the Taiwan trade policy review, and urged the Taiwan to effectively fulfill the WTO commitment, but the Taiwan side has not changed the relevant practices so far."

She also pointed out that Taiwan's ban on imports of the mainland's products has generally expanded in recent years.Agricultural products and people's livelihood must not be exported to Taiwan, which has a negative impact on the interests of relevant export companies. Enterprises and business associations participating in the survey call on Taiwan to cancel the trade restrictions on the mainland as soon as possible. "Answer the question about whether the measures for trade constitute a trade barrier, whether the mainland will suspend or partially suspend the ECFA item, say: "The Ministry of Commerce will combine the investigation of trade barriers and take corresponding measures in accordance with relevant regulations."

According to Wang Dao and United Daily, Sun Yafu, the vice president of the Chinese Association of China, told the Taiwan media at a seminar on Thursday in Chengdu that the mainland did not interrupt ECFA.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the ECFA project, stating that since the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government came to power, not only has it not taken practical measures to lift the restrictions on discrimination against the mainland, but also continues to intensify.

Zhu Fenglian said that according to the results of the preliminary investigation of the trade barriers to Taiwan, Taiwan's trade restrictions on the mainland did not meet the requirements of ECFA on promoting the normalization, institutionalization and liberalization of cross -strait economic relations, and violated ECFA's related ECFA related"Gradually reduce or cancel the tariffs and non -tariff barriers of most goods trade between the two parties.""We support the relevant competent authorities to combine the investigation of trade barriers and take corresponding measures in accordance with relevant regulations."

The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China also announced this week that there are dumping of imported polycarbonate from Taiwan. To this end, temporary anti -dumping measures are implemented in the form of margin.