The former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Abe, arrived in Taiwan on Monday (July 17) in the afternoon of Monday (July 17) to start the four -day visit.Lai Qingde met.

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry issued a press release on the official website on Monday to express a sincere welcome to the visiting Mrs. Abe Abe Zhaohui and others.Abe Zhaohui was invited by the friends of the Abe of Taiwan. From July 17th to 20th, he visited Taiwan with the Japanese Senator Valley Tani and Kitamuchi Sutra.

According to the press release, Abe Zhaohui and his party will exchange with Taiwan, Deputy Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde, and exchange with Taiwan Abe's Friends Scholarship Scholarship Students, to offer flowers in front of Bronze Abe in Kaohsiung, and to go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to go to the bronze statue of Abe, and go to the bronze statueTainan attended the Abe Memorial Imaging Fair.In addition, members of the delegation will also go to the five -finger Shankai Army cemetery to hang the late president of Taiwan's late President Lee Teng -hui.

The press release said that Abe is a highly respected political leader in the international."There is something", which evokes the international community's importance to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan welcomes Zhaohui to visit the group to show its support for Taiwan with specific actions, and show that the friendship between Taiwan and Japan has been strong for a long time.

According to the Central News Agency, Abe Zhaohui arrived at Songshan Airport on Monday afternoon, and it was out of the general channel and nodded to the waiting Taiwanese media.

Abe Zhaohui will meet with Chen Tangshan, president of the Friends Association of Abe in Taiwan on the first day of Taiwan, and exchange with the Japanese students who have won the Abe Scholarship in the club, as well as the welcome dinner on the day of the day.Vice President Lai Qingde and others will participate.

Abe Zhaohui is scheduled to go to Kaohsiung City on Tuesday (18th) to visit the Hongmao Port Security Hall of the Bronze Statue of Abe last September.Memorial image exhibition.

Abe Zhaohui will go to the Special President Li Denghui of Taiwan's late President Lee Tenghui on Wednesday (19th) in the morning of Wednesday (19th).