U.S. media reports that military officials in the United States and Japan have been committed to formulating a plan for Taiwan's conflict for more than a year.Promise to send troops.

Wall Street Journal last Saturday (July 15) quoted people familiar with the matter that Washington has urged Tokyo to consider making the Japanese army responsible for searching for tasks such as Chinese submarines in mainland China in Taiwan, but no promise has been obtained.

The plan is one of the most important part of the United States' response to the mainland's force to seize the threat of Taiwan.Japan is only 70 miles away from Taiwan, and Japan has about 54,000 U.S. military, mainly concentrated in Okinawa Island in the south.

It is reported that if the mainland takes action to seize Taiwan, the first reaction of the United States is likely to use these US military bases in Japan.According to an agreement reached in the 1960s, the United States' move needs to be approved by Japan, but Tokyo may have to agree with stress because the rejection of the United States will endanger the security of Japan's security.

However, it is more difficult to make Japan directly participate in the war.Japanese leaders have always avoided public discussions on the role of possible in the possible Taiwan war. To a certain extent, public opinion is generally opposed to any such conflicts.

Satoru Mori, a professor of political science at the Wall Street Journal, said: "If you ask everyone if you are willing to risk life to defend Taiwan, I think 90%of the Japanese will say currently say that'No'. "

As a response to the growing situation of mainland China’ s weapon library, the Japanese government is vigorously investing in remote cruise missiles and other equipment, but Tokyo claims that Japan ’s development of military reserve is entirely for self -defense.Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita recently inspected Okinawa: "We must invest more funds in military deterrence and response capabilities to reduce the risk of our attacks."Give up the use of force to resolve the dispute.However, during the appointment of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan approved a law in 2015, stipulating that if Japan's close allies were attacked around Japan, and Japan's own survival was threatened, Japan could make military reactions.

The Research Center of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Issues Research Center showed that with the support of allies such as Japan and Australia, the United States is likely to prevent the mainland from controlling Taiwan.

In most soldiers in the think tank, the mainland attacked the United States military base in Japan, destroyed hundreds of US and Japanese aircraft, staged a modern version of the Pearl Harbor incident, and then Japan joined the battle with the United States.Fight.The non -destroyed Japanese ships and aircraft will launch attacks from the north and east of Taiwan from Taiwan, and assisted in blocking it before capturing Taiwan's amphibians to capture Taiwan. Japanese stealth submarines play an important role in sinking continental ships.

Some American and Japanese security analysts say that although the mainland's attack on the US in Japan may not hesitate to hesitate, it does not necessarily mean that the conflict will be unfolded in this way.The Japanese government is most worried about the risk of upgrading in the battle. For example, the mainland encourages allies to attack Japan or North Korea to attack Japan or threaten the use of nuclear weapons.

When the United States and Japan tried to formulate a joint action plan in response to Taiwan's conflict, the United States was seeking to allow Japan to provide more clear information.The report quoted people familiar with the matter that the topic of discussions included supply routes, missile launch locations and refugee evacuation plans.These people say that Japan is willing to support the US military by providing fuel and other materials.

A spokesman for the Pentagon said that the United States and Japan are committed to the peace of the Taiwan Strait. The United States welcomes Japan's intention to expand its own role, tasks and capabilities, which will enhance deterrence.When asked about the plan to deal with the conflict of Taiwan, a spokesman for the Japanese government said that Japan and the United States maintained a joint defense plan, but they did not disclose more details.

In a fundraising speech in 2021, then the then vice -prince of Japan Makotaro pointed out that the war outbreak of the Taiwan Strait may endanger Japan's survival, so Japan has reason to assist Taiwan.

Dan Yingying's Mori University of Yifeng University said that Japan has not provided public discussions on why Tokyo provides support for Taiwan's defense in the real sense. If the worst situation occurs, this may lead to political politicsconfusion.He said that if there is no clear position, it will be difficult for the government to manage the union relationship with the United States while dealing with public concerns.

The previous high -level official of Japan ’s defense, Rui Matsukawa, said:" When we can fight together, we are likely to do so. "But she emphasized that Japan would not seek standing on the front line.