The communication between Taiwan and European countries Lithuania rises.According to the Taiwan Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the representative office of Taiwan ’s Lithuania has set up an economic and technological group one after another last year. The original office space on the first floor was not available. From July this year, it was leased another building of the same building.

According to the Liberty Times, the representative office of Taiwan's Lithuania was listed in November 2021. It is the first foreign museum established in Taiwan in Europe in Europe.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up a representative office in Europe for 18 years.

Liu Yongjian, a spokesman for the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on Monday (July 17) that the interaction between Taiwan and Lithuania in various fields is becoming more frequent. In order to respond to business needs and further deepen exchanges, the resident settled in the economic group and the economic group and the economic group andThe science and technology group is to enhance Taiwan's economic, trade and scientific and technological cooperation.

Liu Yongjian said that due to the expansion of the personnel, the office space of only one floor was not available. Since July this year, the fifth floor of the same office building is added as the economic group and the science and technology group staff.For the office and the consulment hall.

Liu Yongjian emphasized that Taiwan and Lithuania complement each other in the field of economy and trade, technology, and through the establishment of the economic group and the science and technology group, it can deepen the economic, trade and technology links between the two places and enhance bilateral relations.